The Four Battles Simone Biles is Fighting

Simone Biles body keeps the score

Luay Rahil
All Things Work


Photo by Luay Rahil

On Tuesday, July 27, Simone Biles, the four-time gold medalist, withdrew from the Olympics, and it seems that the world changed forever.

Biles admitted that her mind wasn’t in the right place, so she withdrew early to protect her mental health.

Gymnastics is a physically demanding sport with a high injury rate and is extremely difficult psychologically as well. If Simone Biles misses any routine by few inches, she can injure herself.

Simone Biles needed her body and brain to be in the same place at the same time. But, unfortunately, she wasn't able to do that, so she withdrew.

Team USA competed without her and won the silver medal.

You can argue that her decision cost Team USA the gold medal or gave them a chance to win the silver medal. You can say that she quit on her team or allowed them to win when she couldn't.

She understood the significance of her decision.

She posted on her social media,

“I’ll forever be inspired by your determination not to give up and to fight through adversity! You stepped up when I couldn’t. Thanks for being there for me and having my back! forever love y’all.”



Luay Rahil
All Things Work

I write engaging content on business and leadership development.