Elizabeth Miranda works as a teacher in the province of Occidental Mindoro, Philippines. The girl has to overcome a considerable distance to get to her place of work daily, in order to transfer knowledge to children. First, she goes a narrow path surrounded by a spectacular scenery, but then the route becomes more difficult and unpredictable. On the way to school the teacher has to overcome several streams…

Also on the way there is a wide river, which can be crossed only by swimming. The river has rushing waters, so it is quite dangerous to cross the river alone.

Here local population helps Elisabeth to get to the other side. The residents of nearby villages have established a special daily duty near the river to help Elizabeth to get to and from school. They make much of the teacher and try to help her in everything. Thanks to such united actions of the whole community, the children of this province are able not only to learn to read and write, but also have a chance to gain knowledge. After all, knowledge helps people to understand their nature and do good deeds and actions for the benefit of society. Similar examples of humanity and mutual assistance can be seen in many countries.

In fact, the desire to expand horizons of knowledge is an integral part of human life at any age. Real cognition doesn’t end with the experience which a person acquires during the lifetime of his material shell — the body. Real cognition is infinite development in the Spiritual world.

As it is written in the book by Anastasia Novykh “Sensei of Shambala. Book IV”:

“Each way starts from a step, Each step starts from a wish to go. The one who begins to act from the little Might soon come to the great. “

One of such first steps are the actions of Rajesh Kumar Sharma, who is the resident of New Delhi. This man has made an improvised free school for poor children. For more than three years, children are happy to attend this unusual school, because Rajesh’s school is a real possibility for them to get basic knowledge for further independent education. There are a couple of chairs and a blackboard painted with black paint on a concrete wall in this school. And the classroom is located under the railway bridge. Teachers at this school are Rajesh Kumar Sharma and Lakshmi Chandra, who decided to help his friend in this very useful initiative. Rajesh says that this school needs more volunteer teachers.

In fact, discipline is observed in this unusual school and it is easy to notice mutual assistance and coordinated activities of both students and teachers. Before the start of classes children help to prepare a place for study — they sweep the floor, place a special flooring on the ground, check the homework. This initiative has inspired another man to send a gift to children such as school supplies, shoes and some other necessary things.
Thus, an example of self-organization of the people of India in the solution of the social question in their place of residence once again confirms that a good idea and a good deed create a chain reaction of good thoughts and deeds.

“No wonder the ancient sages said, to understand the world, you need to understand yourself first. And in order to know yourself, you need to get away from the usual patterns of perception. “

From the book “AllatRa”

Desire for knowledge is inherent in every human being. Studying, learning the world around us, one begins to understand the relationship between many things and processes. Delving into the study of both the micro- and macrocosm, one comes to understanding of the illusory nature of matter. In turn, this understanding encourages us to search, explore and contact with the true eternal values. As it is written in the book “AllatRa”: “It is impossible to know the truth of the external without knowing the Truth of the inner, because then there is no Observer before which all the secrets of the world are open.” Therefore, one of the aims of the civilized, creative society is to create such conditions, which can make available the knowledge about the world, the dual nature of man, as well as basic scientific knowledge to every citizen of the planet, in order to help a person to embark on the path of self-development. And today, thanks to selfless actions of many people, this aim is implemented.

Wrote by Authors: Valery Ryabko and Arina Kalinina



