“Earth is a unique phenomenon in space! Everyone already recognizes this. And this is our common task and responsibility. And only by consolidating our efforts on high, spiritual and moral principles we can confidently rich success”.

These are the words from Anatoly Kinakh’s speech addressed to the participants of the international online conference “Global Crisis. This already affects everyone”, which took place on July 24, 2021 on the platform of ALLATRA International Public Movement.

Anatoly Kinakh — the Head of the Ukrainian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Minister of Economy of Ukraine (2007), Prime Minister of Ukraine (2001–2002).

In his speech, Anatoly Kirillovich voiced the importance of maximum consolidation of the entire world community to overcome the challenges associated with climate change that are already taking place around the world.

He noted that this topic is still far from being studied. Therefore, scientists from all over the world need to study and understand these important issues. It is necessary to understand where we are dealing with the natural tendencies of climate change, which have repeatedly occurred over millions of years on our planet, and where the technogenic impact of our civilization takes place — the influence of man himself. Both these influences and their consequences, which have become a global challenge for all mankind, can be resolved only through the unification of actions and efforts of the entire world community.

“There are no borders in the air, there are no boundaries in the oceans either, we are all very dependent on each other and we would very much like this problem to be given the highest priority today. In connection with our common responsibility to those who will be after us, to our children, grandchildren and future generations to do everything to preserve our Earth and our amazing nature, ”said Anatoly Kinakh.

The result of Anatoly Kirillovich’s speech was a deep understanding of the global nature of the climate change topic raised at the last conference. He said that the conference “Global Crisis. This already affects everyone” became another incentive for the consolidation of the efforts of all mankind and our entire civilization.

Only by uniting the efforts of each and everyone “on high, spiritual and moral principles” will allow us to preserve our planet, our lives and our future tomorrow.



