Growth Rate…He is Patient

Brooke Reynolds
Allegories of Christ
2 min readMay 5, 2018

As we were in the Timpanogos Caves most recently a lesson stuck out to me from the ranger. He showed us the stalagmites and stalactites, and discussed with our group the growth rate of those amazing formations, which is incredibly slow. The rate is so slow, that growth during a human lifetime is mostly imperceptible. With our short mortal lives, one can not even witness the changes and growing in the caves, but it is most surely happening, as years and generations pass witnessing of the growth. With this, I began pondering about Heavenly Father’s other amazing creations, and I recognized a pattern: growth is slow. Trees, babies, food, glaciers, butterflies, flowers, even the forming of great canyons (among many others) all take time to grow. The growth rate for each specific thing varies, but time is always involved.

There have been numerous (even countless) times when I (or as often whispered by the Spirit) identify some weakness or sin within me that needed correcting. Growth is always needed. These times can be very uncomfortable, as I often battle through feelings of insecurity, questions about what is right, and decisions about how to move forward into a more Christlike person. I tend to get discouraged because of the inevitable backtracking that happens when I am trying to learn how to overcome that particular weakness. With each subsequent mistake, while on the path of learning, the discouragement can build. But if I (we) can remember Heavenly Father’s pattern of slow growth rate, then we can feel hopeful. What we may not even perceive as growth, can be actual changes happening within us. If we do our part to express honestly our weaknesses and our desires for change, trust in His desire and ability to actually change us, and simply keep trying, no matter how many missteps it takes, then ultimately He will make that change happen. In some cases, we won’t see the growth until after this life. But I believe our Heavenly Father cares very much about our progress, even if extremely slow. He is patient and kind and loves those who try.

We must not give up. Change happens because of the Savior’ enabling grace, even if we don’t see it. He is in the business of eternity, not quick fixes.



Brooke Reynolds
Allegories of Christ

I'm a mom, an adoptive parent, and am passionate about family, food, community, and education. I try to follow Jesus Christ by adding goodness to the world!