Our Adoption Attorney: He is our Advocate

Brooke Reynolds
Allegories of Christ
3 min readMar 21, 2018

It was the morning of February 13, 2017. We were sitting outside a courtroom in Provo, Utah. We were all wearing pink, our lucky color chosen for Grace’s adoption. After a time of anxious waiting, with continual praying in my heart, “Oh Father, please work it all out, please help,” we were finally invited into the room. I was particularly anxious because we, and our attorney, Derek, weren’t completely sure that matters with the legal husband of Grace’s birth mother had been settled. That could be problematic. But we wouldn’t know until we talked with the judge. We were anxious about the kids’ behavior. I wanted everyone to look perfect. I wanted everything to be just right on this most special day: court day.

Court day. The day that everything is made legal about our adoption. Everything rides on this day. It is only from a successful outcome on this day that we can move forward and have our child sealed in the temple. It is a most important day. Because of this, my anxiety was at its max.

When we walked into the courtroom we were ushered into our seats at a table in the middle of the room. Savannah sat by me, Jackie sat by Todd, and Grace sat on Todd’s lap. Derek stood at a podium between us and the judge. We all stood up when the judge came in. Derek began presenting our case and all the accompanying information about the birth, the signing, and other legal matters. Then he came to the part about the husband issues. I held my breath. Derek presented what information he could about their efforts to locate the husband and notify him of the birth. We waited to hear what the judge would say. What if he said we would need to get further documentation or try something else to reach the husband? But he didn’t. He had actually already signed off on it. So everything was just fine. I was immensely relieved.

The judge then gave his ruling: Grace was legally ours. She would now be the “natural child of Todd and Brooke, and the sister of Savannah and Jackson,” the judge said. The judge also reminded us of the great work our attorney had done in preparing and presenting the case. It was because of Derek’s careful preparations that we were even at this point of sitting before the judge waiting for the ruling. Finally, everything was done. Finalized! We were so happy. So grateful. Derek asked if we could take a picture with judge, which we did.

Relief. Joy. Gratitude. Settled. Peace. 13 years of emotionally and physically working to bring our children into our family, was finally completed. We thanked the judge, completed paperwork in the courthouse office, then took pictures outside. How grateful we were. Then we continued our celebration tradition and went out to eat for lunch, this time at California Pizza Kitchen.

Through it all, we recognized that our legal mediator, Derek, and his careful work to prepare and present our case, brought about the possibility of Grace’s adoption being finalized and her sealing made possible. Without a good attorney, we wouldn’t have been able to navigate all the legalities in the adoption. We needed him in order to make Grace a part of our eternal family. Similarly, Jesus Christ, our Savior, is our Mediator. He is the One who works tirelessly to prepare and present us to the Father. He is the One who stands between us and the Eternal Judge. He lobbies on our behalf. Just like our attorney, our Savior speaks for us. He pleads for us. He stands ready to vouch for us. And even more, He paid the ransom for us, He took upon Himself all our sin and mistakes, so that we could be presented to the Father clean, pure, and ready. Christ is our Advocate and Mediator. Without Him, we would have no hope of coming to the Father and gaining eternal life. It is only through Him that eternal life, and all it’s accompanying blessings, is made possible.

Court Day Lunch Celebration



Brooke Reynolds
Allegories of Christ

I'm a mom, an adoptive parent, and am passionate about family, food, community, and education. I try to follow Jesus Christ by adding goodness to the world!