Indian Motorcycle Catalog

Allen Jensen
Allen Jensen
Published in
3 min readMay 1, 2020

The Catalog design challenge.


Sketched my ideas out. Most of them didn't work so there was a lot of interaction and change that was done inside inDesign. Sadly I didn't think to take screenshots untell later.

This is the third iteration of both the overlay and the first page. The overlay had a lot of problems… or I had a lot of problems with it because I kept trying to put touchable arias and a panbox. It can’t handle that. So I tried laying all the motorcycles on the bottom but there is just not enough room for that so I ended with this. It will be a box overlaying the pages with a soft grey tint.

The first-page design will be the master for the rest of the pages, the motorcycles and other assets changed accordingly. This design has been through a lot of changes from the first sketches. Primarily because a lot of my ideas on how to present the information could not be done with this application.

I have a lot of trouble presenting information and making it personable. I also struggled with making the experience more hands-on and less hardcover magazine.

There is a lot of testing that was done and I'm still not happy with how it turned out. The main idea was there but the fine detail that brings all the peace to the next level is lacking.

The more I work the more I realize I'm good at pounding out the idea but hate working on the detail. popups should have a border, there needs to be more wayfinding on the touchable. But considering how this semester went with Covid and the true lack of desire for working I feel like I did an ok job.

