What Happened When I Ate Peanut Butter

Amy Marley
Talking Allergies
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2020


A poem from my daughter’s perspective

Collage of pictures of child with anaphylactic reaction — What Happened When I Ate Peanut Butter — Amy Marley
Photos were taken by myself

When I was one, I swiped some peanut butter toast.
It was up high so I had to climb, not that I’m gonna boast.
It tasted delicious but something wasn’t right,
My eyes felt funny and my throat a little tight.

Mum said, “That’s it. To the car right away!”
Off to the chemist without delay.
He took one look and pointed us to the doctor,
Who pricked my leg cause my face shocked her.

Off with my mum in the ambulance, I went.
Straight to a hospital, she said that meant.
For 6 whole hours, they made me sit
I was also poked n prodded a bit

Mum and Nanny kept me entertained.
And a cool new hat* I gained
I’d be tired that night, the doctors said,
But I was in no mood for bed.

Mum says I hardly slept a wink,
I reckon I was just trying to think.
What it all meant and why my eyes still felt tight.
Next time I reckon I’ll stick with vegemite.

