All Eyes chats to Phaedra Peer - Artist, Graphic designer and Founder of Creep Like Me - about her background, inspiration and future plans for the brand.

Julia Dziadziak
All Eyes
4 min readSep 6, 2018


Video by Creep Like Me

Hey Phaedra - Let’s dive straight in! Could you tell us what your biggest inspirations are?

Pop culture. Music, literature, cartoons… Disney! I’m forever taking references from all of the above.

What made you want to become an illustrator or designer?

My background was in painting and I started to notice all my favourite artists were adding a more graphic element to their work that I wanted to get involved in! Putting art on walls started to feel so antiquated and appeals to such a limited market.

“I have always tried to market this brand as wearable art especially at a time where the lines between fashion and art are so vague!”

Which illustrators or designers working today do you admire the most?

I love Hattie Stewart and Stuart Semple as two illustrators who get super fun and nostalgic with their work.

What made you want to expand your business from illustration to designing clothing?

As soon as I completed (and during) my graphic design course all the illustrations I was making just seemed to lend themselves very well to this area - I knew I was creating stuff I would like to wear so just kind of hoped and assumed others might too!

“Don’t be afraid to get super creative and super customisable with your fashion choices.”

How do want to make people feel when they’re wearing your designs?

Empowered and individual.. with a good sense of humour!

Photo by lucasfromsearchstyle

How has your work evolved since you began your own label?

It’s much easier to critique as I can literally see what design sells in better volumes than others! All my paintings were one of a kind so I never had that form of feedback.

What do you want to communicate to the fashion world?

My background is in design so I have always tried to market this brand as wearable art especially at a time where the lines between fashion and art are so vague! So I guess my message would be, don’t be afraid to get super creative and super customisable with your fashion choices.

Since starting Creep Like Me, what is the biggest lesson you have learned?

There are so many things about starting a business that you would never account for until you’re in the thick of it… So basically, just go for it and be prepared to learn a lot on the job!

Where do you see your brand in 5 years?

In 5 years, we will hopefully have our own store (that’s the dream).

“I think freedom of speech is so important and even more so the ability to make people smile.”

What advice would you give to young to designers just starting out and hoping to make it in the industry?

Find your niche! Even if it’s something that’s been done before - do it better!

Photo by lucasfromsearchstyle

What’s your best-selling piece and where can we buy it?

Our ‘I cum in peace’ alien T, which you can buy online at creeplikeme.com

Lots of your designs have strong feminist references. What do you want to say with your designs?

I want to say whatever crosses my mind at any given time.. and mostly I do! I think freedom of speech is so important and even more so, the ability to make people smile - and that spans across any gender.

Photo by lucasfromsearchstyle

How do you stay up-to-date with the latest design trends?

I love a good style blog.. like your own!

How would you describe the Creep Like Me customer?

Cheeky and creative with a keen eye for design.

Print and illustration has been a massive trend with staying power. Do you think its going to last?

I hope so.. it’s kind of my thing!

Follow Creep Like Me over on Instagram, and click here to keep up to date with their online store.

All Eyes helps fashion brands and retailers stay on trend by spotlighting consumer demand from the streets.

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