Q&A with Kiki of Closs Fashion

All Eyes takes 5 minutes to chat to influencer Kiki from ‘Closs Fashion’ about her style, career motivations and, well, influences.

Doris Mari Demetriadou
All Eyes
4 min readNov 6, 2019


Photos by orangendlemon from The Search Style Collective

Hiya Kiki, thanks for taking the time to chat to us! First off, we’d love to know if you can sum up your style in 5 words?
I would say it’s chic, feminine with vintage and trend-led touches!

What was the motivation behind starting your career as an influencer?
I always wanted to get in the fashion world. Growing up in a Greek Island blogging seemed like the only way in, so I started clossfashion.com.

Could you name 5 profiles we should be following on Instagram?
Instagram is full of talented content creators but if I have to choose only five, they would be @oumaymaboumeshouli , @oraclefox , @louloudesaison , @josefinehj , @styleheroine.

Is there anything in particular you try to express through your style?
I could think a very nice phrase to answer your question with, but I’ll just be honest - I just want to see myself in the mirror and like what I see. I don’t know maybe you can call this self confidence!

Photos by whowearwalk from The Search Style Collective

Top 5 favourite places to shop?
Well, ZARA, H&M, Topshop, Vestiaire Collective and lastly Tarik’s boutique closscollection.com.

Do you have any tips for someone looking to start a fashion blog?
Yes, don’t take it so seriously!

Start it as a hobby, don’t push yourself, just focus on creating amazing content that expresses your style and be patient! Success doesn’t come overnight, not even over a year! And keep in mind that nobody posts their failures online! Everybody fails but the point is to keep going!

What makes a good blog photo?
Good lighting and a chemistry with the photographer! That’s everything!

What is one trend you wish never came back into fashion?
Low waist jeans - my worst nightmare!

How important is it to you to keep on top of upcoming trends?
For me, it’s not so necessary. Obviously I do follow some trends, but as a blogger and influencer I prefer to focus on my personal style not just following the trends like crazy. But sometimes yes, I definitely adjust some current trends to my outfits!

Photos of Kiki & Tarrik by tiposilvijah from The Search Style Collective

What is your favourite thing about LFW?
The street style! I love all the work that goes into coming up with the looks. Tarik and I spend so so so much time before London Fashion Week to prepare our outfits. That, alongside being photographed between shows is the moment all the work pays off.

Who gives you street style inspiration?
Everything! It could be another street-style image I saw, a stranger’s outfit or even some interior design that I liked the colour combination of. I always keep my eyes open for inspiration!

One accessory you couldn’t live without?
My handbags!

You have travelled to so many different places but what would you say has been your favourite?
I think it’s Ibiza! I really love the vibes of the island!

What are your top tips for traveling in style?
Prepare all your outfits before leaving. In other words, pack outfits not clothes. Oh and comfort is a good thing to consider for your trips but it’s not the only thing!!!

Photo by visualperception_2015 from The Search Style Collective

What is your go to outfit?
A wrap skirt, a corset top, mules, gold earrings and a designer bag.

And finally what upcoming trends are you looking forward to?
The Bottega mania that’s approaching! I’ve been waiting for this comeback like crazy!

Follow Kiki over on Instagram, and click here to check out her blog!

All Eyes helps fashion brands and retailers stay on trend by spotlighting consumer demand from the streets.

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