Winnings and NVIDIA partnership for Alliance4ai FutureMakers

Alliance4ai Africa
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2021
Alliance4ai Meetups

Welcome to another exciting month at Alliance4ai FutureMakers as we announce both the team from Tanzania AI lab winning our June 2021 chapter for the month prize, and how continued engagement from all our chapters have won us an exciting new partnership with Global AI leader, NVIDIA.

The Tanzania AI lab team won the hearts of their colleagues across Africa by consistently engaging over half their members with learning sessions weekly, sharing insights on artificial intelligence with their friends and family on social media (#a4ai_learning), and demonstrating desire to use AI for real-life impactful projects.

“To win rewards while learning, one should enjoy the learning process, share with others what you’re learning, make an impact starting with yourself and then others too”, said team lead, Furaha, who’s just won a scholarship to complete her masters at the Carnegie Mellon University in Rwanda

Tanzania team celebrating its $50 wins for Chapter of the month

Other exemplary members of the winning chapter had this to say

  • Raymond Sutta, recent grad — “I have learned some many interesting things about Africa, AI, and self-branding which has guided me to improve my LinkedIn as I look for jobs”
  • Ivan Koojo, student @ NM-AIST — “I apply life skills I’ve picked up here every day. I now watch out for what I eat because I know the effects of certain foods on my mind, memory, and learning”

Alliance4ai FutureMakers joins NVIDIA’s inaugural emerging chapters program

As a win for all our active chapters across 5 countries — Tanzania, Kenya, Tunisia, Nigeria, USA, the FutureMakers program was named amongst the inaugural class of NVIDIA’s emerging chapters program. NVIDIA is bringing over 20 AI training organizations across Africa and Latin America together to collectively benefit from their software, education programs and co-marketing.

Rose Gesicho, the Learning Program manager at Alliance4ai, said, “The NVIDIA Emerging chapters in Africa is an amazing initiative brought to African communities to help us as data enthusiasts skill up and prepare for the future of work. What excites me most about the NVIDIA partnership is the content curated for us to utilize and skill up. I have been engaging with the fundamentals of deep learning and it has been a learning experience as I get hands-on practice from the labs and detailed beginner-friendly content.”

The FutureMakers team has already

  • On-boarded 25 of its top-performing members to each access over $100 worth of training on NVIDIA’s DLI for education,
  • Attended 2 of NVIDIA’s monthly training hours on critical tools for building AI.
  • Created plans to receive some NVIDIA Jetsons, exciting pocket-size supercomputers that its members can start using to bring their AI dreams to life for real users.

NVIDIA’s Head of Emerging Areas, Kate Kallot, said, “Bringing together our combined expertise and experience in the market will help provide relevant solutions and contribute to a robust AI industry in Africa. We are looking forward to addressing the opportunities and challenges with AI technologies to benefit people and society across the continent.”

The Future for our FutureMakers

Marking wins like seeing our chapters dial-up their impact on real lives and partnering with global AI leaders like NVIDIA give us at Alliance4ai cause to celebrate and continue marching towards the future we are designing for our societies.

Beyond helping our individual members excel in top careers, our dream is to build and connect 100 FutureMaker clubs across the entire Black diaspora. We will train a new class of technologists grounded in African principles of responsible use of capabilities to regenerate and improve society.

We manage to keep our program free by welcoming partners and donors to provide resources, collaborate in leaving a powerful legacy as we continue to make the world a fairer place. Do share our Patron link with those you know are excited about our mission and want to sponsor full chapters or our chapters of the month competition.

Once again, congratulations to team Tanzania AI lab!

If you are interested in being part of our community of AI Leaders in Africa or Joining one of our chapters to become a FutureMaker, reach out to us via website or @alliance4ai on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, and Instagram.



Alliance4ai Africa

Charting a path for Africans everywhere to return to prosperity. We tell stories of Africa’s best, and offer programs for learners, innovators and governors