Introducing News Analysis on AlliedOffsets Premium Data Dashboard

Introducing our latest Tableau update with easy access to news articles about projects.

Jenna Zhang
2 min readNov 17, 2021


AlliedOffsets released our Premium Data Dashboard this past summer and we’ve been pleased with the response to the data we’ve collected so far.

Since then, we’ve been working hard to add more actionable data that promotes transparency in the market and enables various types of stakeholders to better understand the ecosystem of projects and information around them.

We’re happy to announce the latest update to the Tableau, which allows users direct access to the latest news articles about each project. This feature is located on the Project Details tab for each project and provides a list of direct links to the news articles.

Potential uses for the news feature include:

  • Helping project developers understand the reputation of their project or that of their competitors through news articles, blogs, etc.
  • Assisting investors, brokers, and buyers in completing due diligence when selecting a project to invest in by providing relevant and up-to-date news.
  • Aiding academic and research institutions in identifying leads which projects to research further.
  • Helping intermediaries showcase news articles around projects they have in their portfolio to potential clients.
  • Allowing marketing managers to understand which newspapers cover carbon offsetting more than others, and what the coverage tends to focus on.
  • Helping intermediaries and buyers identify unique features about projects that are not mentioned in PDDs or project descriptions.
  • Tracking the development of projects over time based on what’s been written about the project.

The list includes any articles published on the selected project, including blog posts, news articles, and press releases. At the moment, the news are related to each specific project; increasingly, we are adding indirectly relevant news, as well. For example, instead of showing information about Kariba REDD+ specifically, we’d like to also include information about forestry projects in southern Africa more broadly. This will give users greater context around projects and will help them to better understand how each projects fits within the regional ecosystem.

If you want access to our dashboard or think the news will be useful to you, please find our Dashboard Demo here or reach out to to schedule a walkthrough of the full subscription version.

