Premium Data for Carbon Offsetting

Anton Root
Published in
2 min readJun 8, 2021
One stop shop for data on carbon offsetting.

Carbon offsetting is a model with great potential — it’s one of the few (somewhat) successful systems out there that have been able to put a price on carbon emissions, and encourage polluters to pay. The lack of transparency and the number of projects with questionable track records, however, have made people skeptical of the industry.

We’ve set up AlliedOffsets in order to help provide much-needed clarity around the projects, credits, and prices of those credits, and to begin to get at the question of credibility and quality. I’m excited to announce that we’ve developed a Premium Data Dashboard to showcase the data on thousands of projects from around the world.

The interactive demo of the Dashboard can be found here. It shows a sample of our data for three countries: Peru, South Africa, and Indonesia. The data points include:

  • Credits issued vs. retired per vintage
  • Reseller availability and pricing
  • Wholesale price estimates
  • Volume and vintage price adjustments
  • Additionality scoring based on project methodology
  • Project proponent contact info
  • Verified SDGs for each project
  • Macro-level (country) data
  • Credit retirements / issuance over time, with comparisons to previous periods
  • Account-level transaction and retirement data
  • Country pricing comparisons
  • In addition to all the other data points we’ve had in the past (like breakdown of projects by registry, type, and country; estimated annual emissions reductions; project size; and more)
Sample project profile page.

For us, this is just the start. In the next weeks, we’ll be adding a lot of exciting data, including:

  • New registries (did you know there’s a registry for French forestry projects?)
  • CORSIA eligibility
  • Advanced quality scoring
  • Co-benefit analysis for projects (based on NLP analysis of PDDs)
  • CDM transaction data
  • Geospatial project analysis
  • Project news archives
  • Verifier and validator analysis
  • Continuous updates
  • And much more!

To date, we’ve given most of what we have away to the public via our Project Directory. This is something we’re committed to doing indefinitely, as a way to provide a useful tool for the marketplace. The Premium Data Dashboard is meant to be a product for those firms and organisations seeking to gain a superior, data-driven understanding of the market which has so far not been accessible to the market.

If you’re interested in learning more, check out our Dashboard demo here, and reach out to to schedule a walkthrough.

