Second Instalment of the AlliedOffsets Buyer Rating

Antonina Krause
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2023

In this blog, we summarize the findings from the second AlliedOffsets Buyer Ratings Report and zoom in on some trends we’ve noticed in the data.

Overall, we have now rated 370 offset buyers from 22 industries, compared to 312 entities before. These now account for 238 million credits retired. A small portion of these are carbon dioxide removal (CDR) credits, which are new to this report. We’ve also slightly altered the methodology by changing the pricing data used in calculations of the buyer rating. This helps us reflect buyer spending activity on smaller registries; we have also incorporated data from off-registry sellers of credits, primarily CDR companies and projects.

Contrary to regular carbon credits, where no transactions before retirement are public, buyers of CDR credits tend to communicate their purchases even before delivery of carbon sequestration. Because of this, the rating also accounts for undelivered but paid for CDR credits wherever volume, price, and project information are available.

Overview of Total Retired Credits per Company Sector

There have also been updates to the buyer classification which now includes 22 industries compared to 15 in the previous report. For example, L’Oreal used to be classified as a “Consumer Goods” company, but now falls under the “Cosmetic Industry” category.

Distribution of grades per sector; * indicates new sectors compared to the previous issue of the report

