Create a FastAPI + Langchain Project in 5 Easy Steps: A Step-by-Step Guide

Leonel Rivas
Published in
4 min readAug 30, 2023

At the end of these steps you will obtain a FastAPI + Langchain project with which you can add the functionalities you want, It will include an agent that has various tools available, all this without writing a line of code, since it will be generated by a FastAPI template script! This project uses create-fastapi-project to start a sample project template.


  • Docker

Template Folder Structure:

│ └───app
│ ├───app
│ │ ├───api
│ │ │ └───v1
│ │ │ └───endpoints
│ │ ├───core
│ │ ├───schemas
│ │ ├───templates
│ │ │ └───general_pages
│ │ └───utils
│ │ ├───adaptive_cards
│ │ └───exceptions
│ └───test
│ └───app

Containers Architecture:

Step 1: Download the Python script to execute the template generator

pip install create-fastapi-project

Step 2: Execute the script


Step 3: Follow the CLI instructions

In this step just put your project name and choose langchain_basic template

Step 4: Set up enviroment variables

To run this project you need to set almost the OPENAI_API_KEY because the agent is powered by OPENAI.


Optionals ENVs:
If you want to use the image search and keyword search video tools, you will need to use the following ENVs.

UNSPLASH_API_KEY for image search and SERP_API_KEY for video search


Step 5: Run the project

make run-dev-build

Congratulations, you already have your FastAPI + Langchain project running and ready for you to continue adding new features.

You can test the agents with the different tools in http://fastapi.localhost/chat

You can also try it on the Streamlit frontend server at http://frontend.localhost


In conclusion, whether you’re embarking on a new FastAPI + Langchain project or simply a FastAPI project, the template generator stands out as an exceptional starting point. This tool not only facilitates the creation of a fully functional project, but it also provides the added advantage of a meticulously organized folder structure and adherence to industry best coding practices.

The template generator streamlines the initial setup process, allowing you to focus more on the unique aspects of your project rather than spending excessive time on foundational elements. By utilizing this tool, developers can expedite their development workflow while ensuring a consistent and maintainable codebase.

Incorporating this approach early in your project can lead to improved efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and ultimately, a more successful outcome. As the technology landscape continues to evolve, having a strong foundation becomes increasingly crucial, and the template generator empowers you to establish that foundation with confidence.

In summary, the template generator not only jumpstarts your project but also nurtures its growth through its thoughtful structure and adherence to coding excellence. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting your coding journey, this tool is a valuable asset that paves the way for a successful and sustainable project development experience.

You can also use this template here:

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