
Ankita Anand writes about the illusive nature of the alluring promises made our country’s government.

Allied Writers
Allies for the Uncertain Futures
1 min readJun 27, 2017


Photo credit: Ekta Parishad

This poem won 2nd place at Singapore Poetry Contest. It has been reproduced here with the permission of the author.

Politicians double up as salons
Offering makeovers.

If today you ask a city its name,
It will look into your eyes seductively
And ask, “What do you want it to be?
I could be Shanghai,
Or are you in the mood for Singapore?”

And though you know
That while the grass on your side is burnt or stunted,
None grows on the other side,
You’ll allow yourself to be coiled up and swallowed.

You’ll want to take this one decision,
To end the pretence that you’re the one taking the decisions;
You’ll wish to do away with the stressful delusion of being in control,
Knowing you were the one being kept in control.

You’ll give in gratefully
In that most vulnerable moment in the day,
When you’re shivering,
“Anywhere but here, anywhere but here.”

Ankita Anand is a Delhi based independent writer-journalist-poet. Ankita’s areas of interest are gender, labour and human rights.



Allied Writers
Allies for the Uncertain Futures

A consortium of writers contributing to ‘Allies for the Uncertain Futures’