Vapours of Mogra

Akash Narendran takes a moment to look back, but sets eyes firmly on the future, in a ritual of new hope.

Allied Writers
Allies for the Uncertain Futures
2 min readMar 28, 2018


“Lost in Jasmine” by Erkki Helén

Burn the enraging tirade
of the mindless stubbornness
of the past!

- it leaches into our present, and
hoary jeers from the future we
can already hear

- Torch it to the ground
and grow jasmine in its ashes !
around its creepers, at fall,

we shall dance around
(light breathing)
and reflect
on what was, smile at
what has been begotten,
and hold hands at what may be

At winter, we shall meet again
to say thanks around a fire
(strains of mogra now rent the air
and make our hearts fonder)

The invocation thence is for
the strength and presence
for the unity and peace
for the love and diversity
of our peoples-
the honest, the brave,
the emotional
the vulnerable
the wondrous, sincere

This time, the fire shall destroy nothing
except the biting cold
This time the fire
shall enmesh our spirits
and bring out
the twinkle in our eyes:
This time the fire shall light the
forever endless skies,
and in awe of its infinite blackness
and in cognisance of our unique duty,
we shall rekindle our vows

to peace
to peace
to peace

Akash Narendran engages with playback theatre, facilitating corporate training using theatre, and with music. He also dreams of filmmaking. He mostly writes while struck by inspiration on bus-rides through Bangalore’s traffic. He is passionate about social reform and in the areas of animal rights (veganism), gender, sexuality and education; and is a few months shy of turning 25.



Allied Writers
Allies for the Uncertain Futures

A consortium of writers contributing to ‘Allies for the Uncertain Futures’