ALLIVE Core Team AMA Review

Published in
6 min readSep 5, 2018

Welcome to ALLIVE Core Team AMA Review #1. On September 5th, ALLIVE team had the first AMA with our community! Our founder & CEO, Jack Liu, along with our co-founder & CTO, Eagle Zhang, answered all the questions posted on Reddit.

Your opinion matters! Feel free to contact us by email: or find us @ALLIVE_Official on Twitter.

Jack Liu, ALLIVE’s founder & CEO: VP at Fosun Health Holdings Group and President at Fosun Tonghao Capital. Investor and Board Member in dozens of tech and healthcare startups. Also an early investor in the blockchain field.

Eagle Zhang, ALLIVE’s co-founder & CTO: VP, Alcatel-Lucent, PIC for product management and R&D for 4G TD-LTE products. First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award. Over 20 years of senior management and entrepreneurial experience in tech.

【AMA Selection】

Q1: Hi, why you guys choose ALLIVE as the project’s name?

A: ALLIVE has two aspects of meaning. One is its homonym, olive, which symbolizes vitality; the other means ALL LIVE, all live better, to make life better.

Q2: Will ALLIVE collect data on nutrition e.g. what a person eats and types of medication for an illness disease?

A: Yes. Nutritional data is part of the health data and can be considered in two dimensions: What kind of nutritional match scheme is healthier for people, and what specific nutrients does an individual need. ALLIVE DAPPs will collect various data according to different individuals, and provide nutrition plans based on that.

Q3: Do you have any plans related to ICO and exchanges listing?

A: We will finish private placement first, and others are to confirm considering the development of our project. For exchange listing, our team is now discussing the plan to be listed in 2018 Q4. Please follow our official channels for the latest information on that!

Q4: You mentioned that Olife will help manage medical data, so that people can take back control of their own datas, but how do you consider the privacy issue? And how will ALLIVE protect personal healthcare data?

A: In the ALLIVE network, personal healthcare data will be desensitized.

ALLIVE will store the users’ personal healthcare data in a distributed and decentralized way, and use smart contracts to access the data to ensure security.

Q5: Is ALV ERC20 tokens? Why cannot we find it on

A: Yes. The primary token ALV is the decentralized crypto token of the ALLIVE, the minimum unit of which is 0.000000000000000001 (decimals: 18). ALV will be first issued as ERC20 tokens on Ethereum, mapped at a 1:1 ratio upon mainnet launch. ALV hasn’t launched on Ethersan yet.

Q6: Will there be any meet ups/ conferences in US?

A: Yes. We are planning on meetup/conferences, and the US is under consideration, including silicon valleys, New York, Boston, etc. We will announce once it is finally confirmed, so stay tuned!

Q7: Where the idea of applying blockchain technology to healthcare industry comes from?

A: We are a team dedicated to the healthcare industry for a decade, and are always committed to promoting healthcare industry leveraging high-tech. The characteristics of blockchain technology can hit the pain points and provide solutions to the current situations.

Q8: What are the next movements we can expect?

A: We will release Olivia Beta version in 2018 Q4. It is expected to be a breakthrough point for the application of the entire healthcare and blockchain industry.

Q9: Can you explain Oleaf in the simplest way? I understand Olife and Olivia, but how does Oleaf work?

A: Oleaf creates a comprehensive healthcare service system. Oleaf enables DAPPs of healthcare providers to create a comprehensive healthcare service system, compatible with smart contracts with plug-and-play expansion capacity. Oleaf supports healthcare providers to customize their smart contracts to acquire the desired data, and provide on-chain hosting services to DAPPs to focus on their own expertise and services. Through Oleaf, ALLIVE integrates healthcare service providers, medical service providers, wearable devices, medical R&D institutions, medical financial services, as well as support groups to create comprehensive, seamless user experience for all healthcare needs.

Q10: Will there be any bounty program, like refer new users?

A: We are planning on that.

Q11: When will we get tokens from Airdrop?

A: Early October.

Q12: Can I learn contract address of ALLIVE?

A: Not released yet. We will announce on our official channels once we release the contract address, so don’t forget to follow us on Twitter, Medium, and Telegram!

Q13: To what degree does ALLIVE’s smart AI doctor, Olivia, replace traditional hospitals & doctors? And, to what degree will Olivia partner with them?

A: Olivia is designed not to replace traditional hospitals and doctors, but to cooperate with them for better and more complete user experiences. Olivia aims to enhance essential medical services and provide services like health management, chronic disease management and triage referrals to improve user experiences.

Q14: Which geographical market (US / China / Europe etc.) does ALLIVE plan to launch its products first? Which product will it be?

A: ALLIVE is an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology. Our Mainet will be launched in 2019 Q2, which will access DAPPs in a big healthcare ecosystem globally.

Q15: Could you share more details about ALLIVE & ONTology partnership? How will the two team help each other ?

A: ALLIVE and Ontology reached a strategic cooperation agreement in setting up a technical team jointly, and explore how blockchain could help building an ecosystem in the comprehensive health industry.

Q16: What is the main purpose of ALLIVE?

A: To build an intelligent healthcare ecosystem, and to create a decentralized platform for comprehensive and personalized healthcare solution. Today’s healthcare system shockingly lags behind in terms of data collection, storage and transfer. Thus ALLIVE aims to provide the equitable, sharable, visible and transparent information service to patients, doctors and hospitals.

Q17: What are the problems ALLIVE is trying the solve?

A: ALLIVE is trying to solve these problems:

  • Health data are isolated in different medical institutions and their individual ownership are not well protected
  • Majority of medical resources are concentrated in major hospitals with low quality service, meanwhile the primary care part is missing
  • The demand and spending of healthcare is dramatically growing with higher expectation of service

Q18: Why ALLIVE is more outstanding then other projects that combine blockchain and healthcare?

A: ALLIVE is the development of public chain of the medical and health industry. The existing blockchain technology and structure can not fulfill the special needs of the medical and health industry for data security and efficiency. Therefore, ALLIVE will establish a joint team with ONTology to develop a public chain technology suitable for the medical and health industry.

Q19: How will you apply blockchain technology on your project?

A: Olife builds a customized and updating health profile for each individual through ALLIVE network, thus breaking the data silos and enable the transaction of qualified data with healthcare service providers as DAPPs on ALLIVE network.

Oleaf enables DAPPs of healthcare providers to create a comprehensive healthcare service system, compatible with smart contracts with plug-and-play expansion capacity. Oleaf supports healthcare providers to customize their smart contracts to acquire the desired data, and provide on-chain hosting services to DAPPs to focus on their own expertise and services. Through Oleaf, ALLIVE integrates healthcare service providers, medical service providers, wearable devices, medical R&D institutions, medical financial services, as well as support groups to create comprehensive, seamless user experience for all healthcare needs.

Q20: Will you have your own blockchain in the future?

A: Yes, ALLIVE mainnet will be launched in 2019 Q2.

Q21: Why there are 3 modules in ALLIVE, instead of only one?

A: ALLIVE is an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology. It is comprised of three modules: Olife builds a self-perfecting profile of individual’s health data, Olivia acts as an artificial intelligent general doctor, and Oleaf creates a comprehensive healthcare service system.

Q23: Will there be more technical updates?

A: Yes. We will release algorithms on Github in 2018 Q4

Q24: Will there be more partnership in the future?

A: Yes! We will announce that on our official channels.

Thanks for all the participants in our AMA! We will hold more AMAs in the future, so keep tuned!

About Us

ALLIVE is an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology. It is comprised of three modules: Olife builds a self-perfecting profile of individual’s healthcare data, Olivia acts as an artificial intelligent general doctor, and Oleaf creates a comprehensive healthcare service system.

For more information, find us on our official channels:


Official Website:





Wechat: @allivenetwork

