ALLIVE Weekly Report#4

Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2018

Welcome to ALLIVE Weekly Report #4 (Aug.27 — Sep.02, 2018) provided by ALLIVE team. We will release the latest project updates on a weekly basis, stay tuned!

Your opinion matters! Feel free to contact us by email: or find us @ALLIVE_Official on Twitter.

News Updates

  • ALLIVE Was Featured by Forbes: Blockchain Technology Can Provide New Solutions for Healthcare Industry

Last week, ALLIVE ( was featured by Forbes. In the article Is Blockchain The Answer To A Better Healthcare Industry? ALLIVE CEO Jack Liu expressed his opinions related to balancing act of accessibility versus security for patients’ healthcare data.

“With all of this consolidation and storage in cyberspace comes the clear threat of breaches. And the healthcare industry must look to innovative and more secure methods of both storage and transmission. The answer may very well lie in blockchain technology.”

The implications for the healthcare industry are pretty clear. Here are just a few examples of how exactly blockchain can improve data security:

  1. Immutable and traceable patient records
  2. Reduction of pharmaceutical fraud/theft
  3. Improved data exchanges in clinical trials
  4. Lack of insurance fraud

In this article, Jack Liu also described ALLIVE as an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology that provides encrypted health profile, personal AI doctor and comprehensive healthcare services.

  • ALLIVE CEO Jack Liu Was Invited to 2018 Silicon Valley Mars Blockchain Summit

On August 28th, ALLIVE CEO, Jack Liu attended the 2018 Mars Blockchain Summit in Silicon Valley! With 500+ attendees and 50+ top speakers from world-leading exchanges, the Summit is one of the latest high-level events that discuss the future of blockchain and crypto.

ALLIVE Founder & CEO Jack Liu (left) and Gang Zheng, the co-founder of PurpleSky and CEO of Neuron
ALLIVE Founder & CEO Jack Liu (left) and Tom Ding, the co-founder and CEO of DFINITY
DFINITY: A blockchain supercomputer designed to host the next generation of software and services — Cloud 3.0
  • ALLIVE CEO Jack Liu Explored Investment Opportunities & Trends in Silicon Valley

On August 29th, ALLIVE CEO, Jack Liu was invited to INVESTORS COCKTAIL event located at Palo Alto, California, and communicated with investors from global blockchain investment organizations.

ALLIVE Founder & CEO Jack Liu (third from left), Lingling Zhu from Mars Finance (first from left), Silin Shang from Mars Finance (second from left) and Zheng Ren from CONSENSUSLAB (first from right)
ALLIVE Founder & CEO Jack Liu (first from right), Jun Zhang from CoinSuper (first from left) and founding partner of DFUND, Wenxin Ge (second from left)
  • ALLIVE No.1 AMA Session on Reddit Is Coming

ALLIVE Founder & CEO Jack Liu and Co-founder & CTO Eagle Zhang will begin to answer everyone’s questions on September 5th 9:00pm-11:30pm CST (September 5th 9:00am-11:30am EST).

Question collecting is in progress. Post your questions here:

About Us

ALLIVE is an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology. It is comprised of three modules: Olife builds a self-perfecting profile of individual’s healthcare data, Olivia acts as an artificial intelligent general doctor, and Oleaf creates a comprehensive healthcare service system.

For more information, find us on our official channels:


Official Website:





Wechat: @allivenetwork

