ALLIVE Weekly Report #8

Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2018

Welcome to ALLIVE Weekly Report #8 (Sep.24 — Sep.30, 2018) provided by ALLIVE team. We will release the latest project updates on a weekly basis, stay tuned!

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News Updates

  • Eagle Zhang, the co-founder of ALLIVE, attended the 2018 Medical Technology World Forum as an invited keynote speaker

Organized by the China Hi-Tech Industrialization Association, VCBeat and VCBresearch, the 2018 Medical Technology World Forum was held successfully on September 27 in Shanghai. The theme of this forum was ‘Infinity’.

Over 500 industry elites attended this forum and contributed their insights on healthcare industry to provoke conversations on big data and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Highlight speakers include Zhuang Songlin, Zhang Yuanting, Shen Dinggang, Li Dazhao, etc.

Eagle Zhang at MTWF 2018 Forum

Eagle Zhang, ALLIVE Co-founder&CTO, was invited to the Forum as well, and delivered a speech entitled “the practice and insights on the application of AI in healthcare management”. Mr.Zhang mentioned in his speech that the prevalence of chronic diseases in China is rising, and how to manage chronic diseases has become a hot topic. Artificial intelligence technology provides solutions for chronic disease and health management in two ways.

Eagle Zhang delivering a speech at MTWF 2018 Forum

First, it builds an inference model based on the knowledge map of evidence-based healthcare, which provides intelligent answers and timely responses to users; second, it is based on the user’s health data and preferences, combined with the professional background knowledge. With all above, through machine learning, the technology extracts and generates personalized health management solutions accordingly.

‘AI accelerates the establishment of healthy user behaviors by providing more service ability. ‘ — Eagle Zhang

Mr.Zhang also expressed his opinions on the leverage of AI in Healthcare industry. He emphasized the importance of learning from the doctors ahead of from big data, along with studying the features of clinical medical research and practice — there is still a long way to go. Also, we need to pay attention to the combination of machine learning model, as well as integrated learning model based on data analysis, and adjust the models according to the quality and scale of the data. Predictably, the nonlinear relationship of various factors based on big data is the future trend of AI in healthcare.

Eagle Zhang interviewing with Vcbeat.
  • Forest Gao, the co-founder of ALLIVE, interpreted government statement of ‘Entrepreneurship & Innovation’

The State Council of the People’s Republic of China issued an opinion on ‘Entrepreneurship & Innovation’. The opinion emphasized the importance of improving the environment for innovation and entrepreneurship in China.

Invited by Maker in China, Forest Gao, ALLIVE Co-Founder & Chief Operation, expressed his understanding on the statement.

Forest Gao interpreted the content of ‘Entrepreneurship & Innovation’

About Us

ALLIVE is an intelligent healthcare ecosystem based on blockchain technology. It is comprised of three modules: Olife builds a self-perfecting profile of individual’s health data, Olivia acts as an artificial intelligent general doctor, and Oleaf creates a comprehensive healthcare service system.

For more information, find us on our official channels:


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