How is changing the SMM world?
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4 min readSep 21, 2018

With the advent of trading the advertising industry originated.
The rule is very simple- if you want your goods to be purchased you should announce your potential consumers about them.
It used to be bright ambient advertising in the streets, later the advertisement in magazines and newspapers. With the development of the internet a lot of companies started using it as goods and services promotion platform.
With the development of sources the industry was improving the way the information was offered. The advertisement used to enumerate the advantages of the items like “our shampoo is a good one”. However, if all shampoo producers write that their merchandise is the best one, this kind of information won’t attract the audience interest. Nevertheless, the consumer is usually waiting for something new and extraordinary what he/she has never seen before. So, the mentioned shampoo is not just a very good one, but clinically proved, innovative and highly recommended by a superstar. The advertising functions have broadened. Advertisement should be as informative as gripping, so the marketing specialists have started thinking out of the boxes to be the top dog. Everything was used: remarkable headlines, bright colors…. but one day it turned out to be insufficient too.

Marketing specialists understood that the Internet is very wide, so the item should be promoted where the users spend their time most of all. When social networks became the most popular internet segment, the SMM (Social Media Marketing) was invented. It became a new form of advertising.

Nowadays the Facebook is the largest social network in the world. It has more than two billion of active users. Study this figures: if the Earth population is about 7,5 billion of people, so every fourth person uses Facebook. A chance to advertise there is a feasible dream of every company.

Coca-Cola can be considered to be a SMM leader. It seems that its production is familiar to everyone and loved by many people, so it can’t complain about the lack of consumers. However, everyday the company pop-up ads can be mentioned on different Web sites . Several books can be devoted to the way the Coca-Cola company makes advertisement, promotes its product and provokes activity around its brand.

Although in modern world companies don’t enjoy the guaranteed interest of the potential consumer because of a competition on different markets, there is a chance that an advertisement will catch a user’s glimpse, but it seems unlikely that he or she will be interested in the item itself . So, the brands are trying to integrate more and more new ways to attract the consumers attention to their production. For instance, drawings and lotteries have become very popular in recent years. The user is suggested to participate in the competition and to win something valuable. As a result, someone wins a prize, and the company gets about one thousand of informed consumers.

But it would have been surprising if it continued to be so ideal. In ruthless war for the spectator’s opinion more and more content appears, the quantity of advertisement is so high that a user stops mentioning it. The human brain filters the useless and irritating noise. So, this is not the best time for the internet advertising. You should be very creative to be mentioned, but at the same time not too irritating in order not to be rejected as too annoying content.

It is obvious that a new paradigm is needed, but which one?

In 2016 a new prototype was launched. is a social network with a different advertising model. Not only shareholders get the revenue , but the ordinary users who get it for advertising viewing or broadcast. The amount of revenue is determined by the user’s popularity on the social network. In fact, offers any user to monetize the everyday activity. It becomes possible to earn money watching friends’ content and profiles.

A targeting function is available for advertisers. It resembles the same functions on other social media, but one part of an advertising budget is invested in the system development and the second part is distributed among the users: those who broadcast and those who watch. So, the mutual cooperation will contribute to the solution to the most important problem of the internet such as user’s demand of advertising . The more advertisers there are, the the higher revenue is. The more popular your account is, the more money you make. And this rule is not just for million-user blogs.

People mostly used to trust official sources such as mass media, officials , government publications, but now the opinion leaders are much more appreciated.
Thanks to products reviews online- reviews and bloggers have become so popular.
Nowadays blogging has stopped being just a hobby and has turned into a real job. If you create an interesting content and have lots of followers, the brands will willingly cooperate with you and pay money for their products advertising.

In everyone can become such kind of blogger who lives well on advertising revenue.

It is very difficult to attract consumer’s attention to the product in a world where people see more than 5000 advertisements per day. Everything has palled on and a new advertising idea stops being revolutionary the next day. There are no people who enjoy abundance of publicity in social media, because social networks are used for communication, not for goods purchasing. is revolutionizing changing game rules and giving users a part of a revenue. The advertising viewing has never been so pleasant.


Editor for is a digital network which combines a social platform, a cryptobank and a marketplace.