Social Media Promotion: how much does it cost and what will we get?
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5 min readSep 4, 2018

The value of every social network platform is estimated by the amount of people it accumulates. The readers and followers, human beings not bots, are those who make accounts popular bringing benefits to their owners.
The present article examines how to attract followers and observes the advantages of this activity.

It is the key question. The answer to it forms the subsequent strategy. Answers can be different but all of them are divided into two main groups:
- in order to make money using advertisement
- In order to advertise your own goods/services and to sell them online or offline.
In the former case, you collect followers and readers for the further sale to the advertiser. In the second case, you buy audience in order to use it for your own purposes.

15 years after the launch of Facebook (social networks existed even before it, but it is more reasonable to count from this time as it represents the golden era of this phenomena) the advertisement potential has been appreciated by a great number of people. Nowadays celebrities, technical startups, railroad depots have their own accounts. The things of the latter are often going well:

The trend of the recent years is to create accounts everywhere, in spite of content,
reach and audience coverage. Whether it is effective or not time will tell. Only large enterprises manage to adapt successfully content to every social network. Other companies prefer the “fan” copy and paste of the same texts and images.

It is easy to find every social network specific features on the Internet. They are usually examined by a large number of marketing specialists. In a word, it can be described in the following way:

Facebook- educated adults
Instagram- young people, mainly women
Telegram- young, educated, well-endowed people, mainly men.
Twitter- there is no official information about the average age. The Russian peculiarly is represented by the politicized and business audience. The quantity of women a little bit dominates the amount of men.
Youtube- you can run into any type of people. But accounts with millions of followers and views are orientated towards young people and teenagers.
Vkontakte- 30 % of the audience is represented by the students, on average the education level is lower than the Facebook one.

The audience can be collected either on your own or with the help of the specialists. In the first case, it will take some time, but the spends will be minimized. In the second case, the result will be forthcoming, but it will demand financial investments.
The exemption of the rule is a splendid content , which can spread overnight through the Internet.

How much?
Before announcing specific figures it is important to understand the goals you want to achieve (see para. “Why”)
If you want to make money using advertisement, it is urgent to find out how the number of followers correlates with the advertiser’s payment. The threshold of payments should be specified first of all.

The measurement unit accepted in any social network- one post active during 24 hours.


To invest

If you are not a public figure, the independent advertiser will become interested in you only if the amount of your followers reaches 10000.
Working hard on your own, you can collect such audience in a few months, using actively all existing ways of promotion. The agent will do this job in a one day for $74.

To obtain
The every post value for 10000 followers can start from $4. In order not to abuse the audience loyalty, the quantity of advertisement posts should not exceed 2 posts per day, otherwise audience will melt in a moment.


To invest

The interest to your account starts from 1000 followers. It will cost at least $6, but not all of followers will be human beings. It is possible to collect such amount of people in one or two months of systematic work.

To obtain

Every thousand of followers brings $1 per post.


To invest
It is absolutely normal to have 1000 followers at the very beginning. They can be cheated for $7. The quality will be corresponding. In contrast to other social networks, telegram doesn’t have many in-built tools. That is why only hard work implying personal boost on popular channels and stock exchanges will contribute to the creation of accurate audience. Frankly speaking, if your content is not interesting enough, nothing will help.

To obtain
The market of this social network hasn’t formed yet. The figures differ depending on the authority of the channel. Someone demands $104 per post having 12000 followers. Others want $18 per post having just 7000 followers.


To invest

The minimum quantity of followers should be 500 in order to start making money. The cheating price of bots starts from $3.

To obtain
The posts are not very informative because of the limited number of characters. Moreover, this social network isn’t very popular in Russia. Some small accounts can bring not more than $0,22–0,44 per tweet.


To invest
The channel with 30000 followers is thought to be attractive for advertisers. It is very pricy to cheat them as the price starts from $224. Half of the year will be needed to collect such audience on your own.

To obtain
Nearly $22 are paid for every uploaded advertisement on YouTube channel with 30000 subscribers.

There is no difference how many followers you have when we talk about As far as the process of advertisement publishing is fully automated, the users start making money immediately without making every effort. All you need to do is to upload catching content, the social network will attract advertisers on its own.
If money and time spent turn into audience fairly simply, the opposite conversion is a little bit more difficult. The quantity of subscribers is the first step in the dialogue with the advertisers. The are more interested in reach which implies actual amount of people who will see the boost and the quantity of clicks on the uploaded links. Here the figures can differ considerably. The reach can amount to 30% or 70% of the total amount of subscribers. It depends both on the type of the audience and the correlation of the real and cheated followers. The experienced advertiser is primarily interested in this figure.


Editor for is a digital network which combines a social platform, a cryptobank and a marketplace.