The market has already faced the ICO layout rules in a form of special document, called White Paper.

Алена Собетова
3 min readApr 20, 2018


White Paper is a document, describing the project goals and purposes, information about the current market situation, project growth forecast, terms of token issue and usage, necessary legal information, and information concerning project team and advisers.

The White Paper contains the following sections:

  • Introduction, which describes general terms and the market situation which served as a basis for the development of the idea for the project. As for the project, the introduction describes how important social networks are in a rapidly changing world and what possibilities they give to people.
  • Market Analysis, assuming assessment, modeling and forecasting of the market processes and phenomena, the project development strategies.
  • Technical section is a description of the project technical component. Speaking about the project, it is a description of the blockhain technology’s need for the token, mathematical calculation of the reward for users transmitting ads from their account, etc.
  • Financial Projections contain the distribution and usage of investments, in other words, it specifies what amount of tokens will be spent on the Bounty campaign, distributed to the project advisers, how much will be spent on marketing, etc.
  • Terms often contain legal aspects of the project, which may describe the company structure, author’s rights, tokens distribution territorial restrictions.
  • The team section represents developers, marketing specialists, advisers, experts, auditors and other project participants. It is the main part of the White Paper, because practically each good investor can talk about a successful investment in strong teams having bad idea because he has been sure of their ability to improve the project.
  • Roadmap contains the project development forecast and purposes, mentioning the time frame of its realization. Roadmap plays the main role because it may help to find the risky moments of the project and the growth perspectives — new ways of interacting the audience or monetization, strategy choice. Ideally, the team shall give a detailed plan of their work for the next 12–18 months, which should include a launch of beta-version as well. Also, the most important thing is to fulfill the assigned in the road map tasks, otherwise it may cause the distrust of the investors or the downgrade by the audit agencies.

It is worth taking into account the audience, as the style and format of the White Paper are affected by the one who will read it. If the goal is to attract the technically educated people or scientists, it is logically to represent information in the usual way for them. But if you are aim at the general public, there is no need to make things difficult. It is better to create two versions: a simplified and more technical for those who need details.

A good White Paper will not save a bad project. If a team tries to solve a non-existent problem, then, even a well-made White Paper will not lead the project to the success.

It is very important to translate the White Paper to different languages, because in many cases projects attracts investors funds from all over the world. And the lack of such document, revealing the project work mechanism, can lead to reluctance to invest. It is important to have a well-translated document made by professionals in order to avoid disagreements and misunderstanding between the project team and investors.

It is possible to make the White Paper translation by the participants of the Bounty campaign. However, in this case it is better to mention that the document translated to a certain language is of an advisory nature.

A well-written White Paper is a necessary part of each serious project, however, do not forget that investors take interest on the project website, specialized forums (for example,, rating agency reports and social network channels.

You can look through the White Paper through the link:

