You Are Not Alone

About 42% of men and 51% of women have experienced some sort of dysfunction during sex.

Anoush Gomes
Allo Health
2 min readJan 19, 2022


Sexual dysfunction or sexual disorders in men are more common than you think. The stigma associated with it, however, results in many individuals not reaching out for professional assistance. Sexual dysfunction affects men of all ages.

There are various problems associated with sexual dysfunction, some physical, others, psychological. The most common types of sexual dysfunction include ejaculation disorders such as premature ejaculation (PE), erectile dysfunction (ED), and inhibited sexual desire or low libido.

Some of the causes of sexual dysfunction include stress (such as from work, or family concerns), psychological concerns such as depression, anxiety, and OCD, relationship issues, sexual trauma, medical conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, substance abuse (drug and alcohol use), and the usage of certain medications.

It is advisable to seek professional help from a psychiatrist, psychologist, and/or an andrologist to understand the cause behind sexual dysfunction. Experts suggest professional help for those that have symptoms of sexual dysfunction such as difficulty in obtaining and maintaining an erection, premature or delayed ejaculation, lack of libido, and pain during intercourse.

However, as mentioned above, the stigma associated with sexual dysfunction results in men feeling embarrassed and insecure. This causes them to suffer in silence, leading to instances of unconsummated marriages, fertility concerns, undiagnosed medical conditions, and worsening relationship issues.

It is important to remember that if you experience symptoms of sexual dysfunction, you are not alone. The following statistics should help you grasp the commonality of sexual dysfunction in men, along with understanding that these disorders are in fact not only treatable but should be treated.

Did you know?

1. PE alone affects about 20–30% of men in the sexually active age group.
2. About 42% of men and 51% of women have experienced some sort of dysfunction during sex.
3. More than 50% of men over the age of 40 experience erectile dysfunction (ED).
4. Upto 50% of men with diabetes experience ED
5. Studies reveal that 35–75% of men with diabetes will develop ED, about 10–15 years earlier than their non-diabetic counterparts.

Seeking professional help is the best way to diagnose the cause behind sexual dysfunction symptoms and have them treated accurately. Rest assured, there are various ways to treat conditions causing sexual dysfunction symptoms, from counseling and exercise to medications and psychosexual therapy.

Understanding that you are not alone is the first step. The second would be doing something about it.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Sandip Deshpande.

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Anoush Gomes
Allo Health

The qualities were built around a handful of defined and effort seeking hobbies. writer | artist | avid reader | certified nerd | hopeful author