Alloy Heads Into Convention Week With Over Three Dozen Partnerships and Over 2.6 Million Voter Registration Status Checks

Luis Miranda
By Alloy
Published in
4 min readAug 15, 2020

Alloy’s work in support of Democratic and progressive organizations reached important milestones this past week with the signing of our 38th partnership just as Alloy Verify surpassed two and a half million voter registration status checks! That’s a huge testament to the hard work of so many people on our team who work day in and day out on the infrastructure and systems to deliver data to our partners. It’s also a huge testament to the hard work happening across the progressive ecosystem, where the organizations we serve are reaching out to potential voters every single day.

Alloy is a nonprofit invested in building better and radically affordable data solutions for partners such as state Democratic parties and state legislative campaign committees, national and state non-profit voter registration organizations, national campaign integration platforms, and issue advocacy organizations, to name a few.

Through Alloy Source we deliver datasets that help our partners reach unregistered potential voters and existing voters.

Alloy Verify is an API that connects quickly and easily through websites, field tools or mobile apps to provide fast voter registration status information. As of today, our partners have checked voter registration statuses through Verify more than 2.6 million times.

We’re also proud to provide insights to voter protection organizations on changes in voter registration and status, in support of their efforts to protect the right to vote.

As millions of Americans focus on getting to know the next President and Vice President of the United States this coming week at the Democratic National Convention, we’ll join them… virtually, of course. Our focus, though, will remain on ensuring that our partners who are working to register and mobilize voters have what they need.

We see the participation of new voices as critical to the growth of the progressive movement and good for Democrats all across our country. We believe an important story coming out of this election cycle, when all is said and done, will be that the added value of new organizations, new candidates, and new approaches enabled Democrats to leverage data on an unprecedented scale and helped mobilize a historic number of voters. We are proud to support partners ranging from established national organizations, to startups driven by creativity and a desire to restore and strengthen our democracy. Among them are:

CampaignOS, a national campaign integration platform,

Reach, a grassroots organizing app that provides campaigns a digital HQ,

Mi Familia Vota, the nation’s leading Latino civic engagement organization,

VoteAmerica, a project of the Democracy Builders Fund designed to help the American people vote,

Resistance Labs, a peer-to-peer organizing platform that supports progressive activism, candidates, and campaigns,

Vote Like a Woman, a nonpartisan campaign that is registering women voters on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment and the ongoing fight for equality at the polls, have already helped tens of thousands of Americans register to vote,

Vote By Mail 2020, an innovative and volunteer-driven organization working to make sure voters have access to safe voting methods amid the COVID-19 pandemic as well as increasing voter turnout,

And dozens of other progressive and Democratic organizations.

If you’re excited by the voices on stage next week, wait till you see what these organizations do!



Luis Miranda
By Alloy

Director of Communications & Politics at Alloy. Ex White House aide for President Obama, ex DNC Communications Director, veteran of 5 presidential campaigns.