Alloy’s Data Principles

Kendall Burman
By Alloy
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2020
Our Data Principles

Alloy is dedicated to providing the best data and technology to progressive causes and campaigns. We serve organizations working to strengthen our democracy, protect the right to vote, and encourage civic participation. For far too long, too many working to advance those causes lacked access to high quality data at an affordable price — and Alloy was built to fix that.

Alloy treats data and technology as a progressive utility — our mission is far reaching, and we are in it for the long haul. To uphold such a mission requires a grounding in a set of principles that frame how Alloy operates and how Alloy data is collected, shared, used, and safeguarded. Such principles inform not only Alloy’s work as a provider of data and technology, but most importantly how we work with our partners to build and grow together — to support each other as we innovate and raise the bar with how the progressive ecosystem uses data and technology, and how we support the broader vision of building a more perfect Union.

Today, as Democrats across the country prepare to gather to formally nominate Joe Biden for President, Kamala Harris for Vice President, and to embrace the Party’s vision for the next four years, Alloy is proud to publicly present our data principles, grounded in progressive values, along with our updated privacy policy. We stand behind these principles because they speak to the values at the core of who we aspire to be as a country.

Since our products launched earlier this year it has been heartening to feel the enthusiasm not just for the data and technology we are bringing into the market, but for the new way in which we are engaging with our progressive and Democratic partners in this ecosystem. We are always open to learning more, to continuing the conversation, and to improving — and this extends to our principles. We welcome input and questions — please contact us anytime at

We know as a young organization we will need to adapt as we grow and develop. That does not mean these principles will diminish, but that from time to time we expect they will need to be modified or expanded, and we are committed to doing so openly and with the input of our partners.

The Principles We Stand By:

  1. We are a non-profit. As a taxable non-profit, we are legally unable to have shareholders, nor do we have owners who will make a profit off selling data. Money we earn goes right back into Alloy in order to improve our products and services.
  2. We are for progressives, by progressives. Alloy will use and share data for one purpose: to support progressive causes and entities that work to strengthen our democracy. We support the broad progressive ecosystem and believe in protecting the right to vote and encouraging civic participation. We strive to act neutrally and serve as a platform for all within the progressive movement.
  3. We work with partners who use our data for good. We vet organizations with whom we partner, and our partners exclusively use our data to support political, electoral and civic-related goals. We do not work with entities who would use our data for commercial purposes. Through our contracting requirements, we strive to raise the bar on data security, privacy, and ethics.
  4. We collaborate with our partners for our shared success. Alloy’s purpose is to make better data available more broadly and more affordably to progressive organizations. We design our products with our partners’ needs in mind and only build products we believe in.
  5. We respect individual choice. Alloy will only obtain data through lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge and consent of the individual. We give individuals the option not to further share their non-public, personal data with any of our partners.
  6. We act responsibly with our data. We believe that all individuals have the right to privacy, security, and safety with regard to their data. We closely examine and evaluate the impact of any new product or service on individual rights and freedoms and we will not pursue any activity that threatens them. We limit the data we send to subcontractors and impose restrictions on those subcontractors to further protect that data.
  7. We are open and accountable. Alloy commits to upholding these principles — full stop. Any meaningful change to these principles will be done openly and with input from our partners.

