An Interview with Logan Ensign, Client Solutions

Alloy Talent
Published in
3 min readApr 24, 2019

Logan Ensign is the Director of Client Solutions (CS) at Alloy. Last June, he joined Alloy’s San Francisco office from, where he led the company’s highest end service, Momentum PRIME. Designed for customers who wanted to use predictive analytics to transform their sales operations, the team formed long-term relationships focused on optimizing sales process and strategy and ultimately delivering and showcasing value.

Logan’s early career was at RIC Insurance General Agency, where he worked in Corporate Strategy and Sales. He holds a degree in Biology and minor in Economics from Stanford University.

1. Why did you join Alloy?

I’m a big believer in “product-first” organizations. Getting to know the team before I came aboard, it was really clear Alloy is truly focused on building a product that is intuitive and value driving for the user.

If a product is well-built, it makes the CS role significantly more rewarding, since we can focus more on helping customers get the most value out of the tool, rather than dealing with cumbersome training or product issues.

2. What do you do at Alloy?

I’m in Client Solutions, meaning I help customers get implemented and trained on Alloy, as well as provide ongoing support in the form of best practice sharing, troubleshooting, and regular business reviews.

Our job is to first minimize the time-to-value with a fast implementation, and then get to truly understand our customers’ businesses so we can help iterate on how they use the product to drive additional value for them. It’s fun because we get to be quite cross-functional; we work on data integration projects alongside more business process optimization conversations.

3. What’s the most exciting project you’ve worked on at Alloy?

Black Friday this last holiday season was an exciting time here. As you’d imagine, a good deal of our customers sell a lot around the holidays, and the unique challenges of monitoring promotions, sales, and inventory on Black Friday were super interesting. Inventory issues when sales are peaking are that much more painful, so prepping customers with “cockpit” Alloy views and helping them track performance was a very rewarding project.

4. What advice would you give to others in a similar role?

CS allows you to work across a lot of functions — you get to influence product development, work on technical components of implementations, and understand your customers’ workflows, pain points, and needs. However, through all of these different responsibilities, you should always be coming back to “how can I help my customers get real business value?” Align your objectives with your customers’, and decisions and priorities will become clear.

5. How would you describe the culture at Alloy?

Alloy is full of very intellectually curious people, and there’s a great team atmosphere here. You really don’t run into “that’s not my problem” sorts of attitudes, regardless of peoples’ roles. There aren’t big egos here either.

6. What do you like to do outside of the office?

I’m a big sports fan, especially of baseball and football. I take the chance to go to Oakland A’s games whenever I can, and have a lot of fun bringing my two year old daughter to the games with me. I’m also an avid distance runner, so when I’m not in the office, I like to trail run.

Logan and his daughter at an Oakland A’s game

