Calling NYC Founders And Tech Leaders: Join Founders For Change For A Diversity Leadership Summit

All Raise
All Raise
Published in
3 min readApr 10, 2019

Of the 1,033 Directors appointed to Fortune 500 boards last year, fewer than 20% of seats were filled by directors of color and fewer than 25% of seats were filled by women. Compare this with the fact that the American population is 40% people of color and 51% women, and you’ll see the glaring imbalance between who Americans are and who represents us in the boardroom.

Founders for Change, an All Raise initiative, is a community of 1000+ founders and CEOs on a mission to close this gap in the boardroom, on the cap table, and beyond.

On Tuesday, April 16th we’re teaming up with NYC members Neil Blumenthal of Warby Parker, Nadia Boujarwah of Dia & Co and Porter Braswell of Jopwell to host our first NYC event: Leading for Change, a morning focused on how to prioritize diversity across all business decisions from board hires to HR policies. The event, hosted in collaboration with NYC Blend, is open to all NYC founders and tech leaders. Please RSVP here.

We’ll kick off the event with lightning talks from the founders (Neil, Nadia, and Porter), who will share their personal approaches to bringing diversity and inclusion to their teams, their board rooms, and their broader customer communities. They will walk through tactics that worked for them and can be implemented at your own company. Each of these companies have championed diversity in their own regard: Eyewear retailer Warby Parker has become known for their unbiased recruiting process, Dia & Co is the leading retail service dedicated exclusively to serving women who wear sizes 14+, and Jopwell is the leading career advancement platform for Black, Latinx, and Native American students and professionals.

As a capstone to the day, the founders in attendance will break out into small groups led by leaders from Etsy, The Wing, Bravely and Digital Ocean to swap insights and tools for hiring and scaling diverse and inclusive teams across early and late-stage companies.

Hope to see you there!


When: Tuesday, April 16, 2019 / 8:30–11 am EST

Where: Lowenstein Sandler (maps)

What: A morning dedicated to accelerating diversity and inclusion across tech: Lightning talks by the founders of Warby Parker, Dia & Co and Jopwell and breakout sessions led by leaders from Etsy, The Wing, Bravely and Digital Ocean.

What else? Register here!!

