You Can Do What You Love

You Need Will

Khadija Amjad
All’s Well


Photo by Srinivasan Venkataraman on Unsplash Srinivasan Venkataraman (@srinii) | Unsplash Photo Community

“Ophy, how do the Immigrant birds know where to go?”

“Instinct I guess, they’re looking for warmer places. It’s their way to adjust with the weather.”

“Why can’t we do the same?”

“Legally? We cannot.”

“Ophy! I’m having a moment here. I envy them. I wish I can immigrate. Go where it fits me to live. I don’t even know, where is that?”

“Creatures have different ways to adjust. We can’t change the weather, certainly, but there’s more to us. We can change the way we think of it. We can wear as heavy or as light, light the fire or freeze the water, eat oranges or watermelon… Isn’t this a power? Wouldn’t the birds envy us for it?”


“There’s always a way to it. You don’t need feathers. You need the will darling, the will.”

“Yes, so many have. There are many good stories of those who have.”

“Consequently, you can do what you love.”

