6 Reasons We Will Miss SoulFire in Allston and also Barack Obama

Justin Rogers
Allston Spillage
Published in
2 min readJan 20, 2017
SoulFire, Allston, MA

SoulFire was one of the first restaurants I ever went to when I moved to Allston, and it set the bar high, both for local BBQ and dining in Allston in general. I’m saddened to learn of their closing on January 20th. Even sadder, on this same day, President Barack Obama leaves the Oval Office, and we as a nation lose one of the great voices of clarity of our time. Here are six reasons we will miss both of these American institutions in the trying years to come.

  1. The Meat. Every time I went to SoulFire, my meat was perfectly cooked. No matter what meat I ordered, it would come out with the ideal levels of flavor and tenderness. I was always satisfied. I assume Obama has had better BBQ, but I think he’d appreciate the merits of SoulFire’s cuisine as well.
  2. The Funk. One of the defining features of SoulFire’s atmosphere was its emphasis on soul and funk music. From photos of icons like James Brown on the wall to the consistently great playlist they used, the influence of music was key to the dining experience. I am positive that Obama listens to more funk music than Donald Trump. We need a funkier POTUS.
  3. The Beer. SoulFire had a unique selection of beers. In an area dominated by craft beers and common cheap beers like PBR and Narragansett, SoulFire was a place you could get a Lone Star, or a Schlitz. The beers they had paired well with their food, and I really can’t ask for more than that from a restaurant. Now that he’s got some free time, maybe Obama will brew his own beer. I’d buy a huge amount of it.
  4. Pit Boss. SoulFire had multiple unique sauces that were inspired by different types of BBQ, such as Carolina and Pit Boss. “Pit Boss” is also my affectionate nickname for Joe Biden, who we will miss as well.
  5. Wonderful Family. Michelle Obama has been a remarkable influence on American culture during her family’s time in the White House. Malia and Sasha seem like bright, capable young women, and Bo is a really cool dog. Obama seems like a great dad. They’re a beautiful family. If I had a family, I would’ve taken them to SoulFire.
  6. Good For Your Health. Obamacare has made health care costs reasonable for millions that would otherwise find it unattainable. Comfort food, while not as good for your health as a physical or prescription drug made affordable by the ACA, definitely makes you feel better while eating it.

Allston will miss its BBQ.

America will miss its leader.

