Crisis at The White House: Leaks Indicate Trump Administration May Be Running Out Of Bad Ideas

Zach Jones
Allston Spillage
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2017

Some pessimistic news today for the Trump administration as a leaked report seemed to indicate a major problem within the White House: They’re running out of bad ideas to implement.

“There is a genuine concern from some within the administration that the pipeline of bad ideas is running low,” an anonymous source was quoted as saying. “This would be a huge problem for a new president who focused his campaign largely on an abundance of bad ideas.”

According to the report, there is a split within the administration about where the issue is coming from. Some suggest that the issue is coming from administrative chaos, indicating the Trump machine is not as well oiled to crank out bad ideas as they had once hoped. While others claim that there are enough bad ideas to sustain this administration, but they were simply rolled out too quickly.

“In the last week the administration has rescinded protections of trans students, put forth the repeal of environmental regulations, and vowed to use federal coercion against states that have legalized marijuana.” the leak said, “These are some substantially bad ideas that could’ve been dragged out over the first few months of his presidency. So now you have some cabinet members asking ‘What do we do now? Are there enough bad ideas left?’”

Some have called these reports outlandish, saying there are plenty of bad ideas remaining.

“The idea that this administration has come even close to exhausting their supply of bad ideas is laughable,” says Mark Davis, president of Bad Ideas USA, a lobbying firm in Washington that is committed to increasing legislation for bad ideas. “Within the administration, there are so many traditional outlets of bad policy, such as energy and foreign policy, that haven’t even started to be explored. If President Trump felt he really needed to grab the attention of the bad idea voting bloc, he could pull any number of those idea catalogs. There are many high qualities bad ideas still out there, some of which have years of experience being refuted.”

Bad ideas have been a stronghold for Republicans for decades now, but quite often are able to garner bipartisan support.

“Many people don’t understand how important bad ideas are to the political process,” Davis said, “No matter if a bill is coming from the House or Senate, Democrats or Republicans, at some point that bill has been modified by a supporter of bad ideas.”

As for why bad ideas are so popular at the moment? Davis credits social media for growing the network of those collaborating on bad ideas, as well as the popularization of executive orders, which bring bad ideas to fruition much faster and helps them retain the integrity of their terribleness.

