Are You Stuck In The Cult Of Average?

Allyson Byrd
4 min readNov 14, 2018

It’s Allyson Byrd aka the Profit Accelerator and today’s question: Are you stuck in the cult of average?

Why should you keep reading?

Because you know you are destined for more in your life and in your business.

You know that you want to live an above average life and have an above average business.

In my business, I have the calling and privilege to work with clients and companies of all sizes.

No matter what the investment is, there is always questions, follow up, next steps….

One of the most significant differences I’ve noticed from our clients who are making hundreds of thousands of dollars and those still trying to hit that 100K mark is the type of questions they ask.

The questions that the big investors ask have to do with the forward moment of their success.

While the smaller investors, the people who purchase our smaller programs and products ask questions that boil down to “How do I survive?”

The first time that I made a purchase for my business, it was $300 and I had to take a payment plan out.
I hadn’t done it before.
I’d never invested that sort of money in myself or in my business before.
I didn’t understand what it would yield.

But let me tell you.

That purchase was the start point in creating my first half a million.

Yes, within 18 months I had half a million dollars in my business!

When I paid that $300, drove to the city and booked the hotel to go to utilize the resource they gave me, I was so scared.

I didn’t have disposable income.

At that time I was not the Profit Accelerator, I wasn’t even a CEO.
I was a technician who knew how to do something well.
I didn’t know how to sell what I was good at.
I didn’t know the different parts of a business.
I didn’t understand what it meant to lead anyone else but myself.
I was in a place and space of my own survival.
At the time there was no one out there to teach me what to do.

But I knew I could be an entrepreneur.

How often do you think, “I know I can be an entrepreneur. I know I can do what I see other people out there doing, but when I look at myself and my own business model it’s not working. Why?”

Let me keep it 100. Seriously this is your chance to stop reading because I will come across harsh. It’s not because I am, it’s because this subject matter requires me to go there.

If you aren’t making that 100K or more yet, you’re stuck in the cult of average.

We have been conditioned that if we conform and get in line, we will be fine.

We have been conditioned to stay average.

That works in kindergarten but when you are a grown ass person trying to fight for a dream that will not work.

Much of the council you receive is telling you to stay steady.

In order for you to rise you have to climb, you can’t just stay steady.

Are you sitting on information that you aren’t even trying?

How many of you are praying for things over and over but you’ve already used them?

The real question is, have you received them?

What do I mean?

Are you putting out prayers (or money) for a solution that you already have but aren’t putting to use?

You have to move out of prayer and into operation and action.

Prayer will keep you on your knees; operation will put you in movement to receive what you have prayed for.

Stop wishing and praying and start taking action!

Say goodbye to the cult of average, download a free copy of WHY “SAD MONEY” IS KILLING YOUR SPEAKING AND COACHING BUSINESS. My 7 point methodology to get you out of the cult of average.

Allyson Byrd, also known as the “Profit Accelerator™,” is the first and only small business owner to create an international production house for thought leaders to be executive produced in publication, online platform expansion, and offline sales strategies. Allyson is a sought-after speaker, mentor, and expert whose work has touched tens of thousands of business owners in more than 27 countries around the world. Allyson and her team have helped more than 3000 entrepreneurs create over 105 million dollars.



Allyson Byrd

CEO of Money Movers International aka the Profit Accelerator™; speaker; best-selling author; #unapologetic.