Not For The Faint Of Heart: The SPANX-Preneur

Allyson Byrd
4 min readNov 12, 2018

[SPANX-preneur] shhhh… listen closely. Can you hear it?

It’s the sound of authentic movement. Wait for it…

Years ago, I bought my first and only pair of SPANX.

I took my first step and hot damn, you could hear me from a mile away. The swishing of my thighs against manufactured materials. Brutal.

I took my 2nd step and suddenly I was hit with a gut wrenching pain as the bottom of the SPANX rolled into a horrific ball in the [barely-there] parting of my thighs.

I gasped.

How could this be so popular and yet, brutal to your skin… and yet, everyone says, “Girl! Get you some Spanx!”

Well, I learned then and it’s true today.

Just because it’s popular doesn’t mean it’s purposeful for you.

In 2015, sitting and holding my mother’s decaying hand in my hand, I realized I’d surrendered to another popular way of doing things.

The life of a coach.

Transformational Coach.
Business Coach.
Sales Coach.


At the end of the day, learn something new, package the new learning as a solution, markup by 80% and sell it to the desperately seeking.

Coach. → I quit.

I announced to my audience I was quitting and I dealt with the visceral reality that comes when a train decides to pivot while on the track. Not the best way to do things [learn from me].

Integrity breaches.
Team quitting.
Lawsuits aimed and fired.
Relationships disbanded.

I fell apart.

How could doing what feels right have such poor residual?


When you’re ready to pivot, the perception of the pivot alone is a sign that you’re on path.

The drastic decisions made after that are simply so your humanity feels the presence of your new decision aka DRAMA.

We [meaning ME] often enjoy the drama and danger of new decision and the best thing we can do for ourselves in those moments is scream from our mountain tops: I BLEW IT ALL UP!!! and when the applause hits, we hear the thunderous reward and then slink to our private reality devastated and fraudulent.


In 3-years, my life has drastically shifted and the truth of who I was then is still true.

The truth of who I am today, is still true.

There’s no reconciling the people.
There’s just being the highest vibration of who I be today.

In 2017, I raised my had for help and my earth angel that appeared? Scott Oldford

The dominating force he brought with him: Zion Kim

The two of these wild and abandoned spirits told me to simply leave the shattered pieces on the ground, make them a sacred offering if I felt the need to do so but run as fast as I could from the ashes and rebuild what was rightfully mine and fully aligned.

Their voices inspired me then and they inspire me today.


I’m thrilled to share that last month, we officially announced that I’ve joined #PROJECTNUCLEAR as their Sales + Conversion Mentor and Advisor, exclusive for entrepreneurs who are generating over $75,000/month and want to exponentially scale. Over 50 entrepreneurs doing 7 and 8 figures have already joined this intensive business accelerator.

The world of being an entrepreneur can often feel like you live in Spanx daily — restricted, confined, and locked into the popular opinion that has so little to do with you and so much to do with being accepted for what you present, not for what you truly are.

The collaborations I’m a part of today are a sign that the pivot was divine, the drama… well that was all me.

I’m thankful for repentance.
I’m thankful for restoration.
I’m thankful for redemption.

I write today from a place of freedom. Thrilled to share updates on my epic journey.

Allyson Byrd, also known as the “Profit Accelerator™,” is the first and only small business owner to create an international production house for thought leaders to be executive produced in publication, online platform expansion, and offline sales strategies. Allyson is a sought-after speaker, mentor, and expert whose work has touched tens of thousands of business owners in more than 27 countries around the world. Allyson and her team have helped more than 3000 entrepreneurs create over 105 million dollars. Download a free copy of WHY “SAD MONEY” IS KILLING YOUR SPEAKING AND COACHING BUSINESS — Allyson’s 7 point methodology to help you make real money, your way.



Allyson Byrd

CEO of Money Movers International aka the Profit Accelerator™; speaker; best-selling author; #unapologetic.