How data science can help to fight covid-19?

Published in
3 min readJun 27, 2021
Image by by PixxlTeufel from Pixabay

The world is currently facing an unprecedented health crisis. This Virus has already taken so many lives, and the number is kept on increasing day by day. People can only cure this problem by prevention even after taking vaccines. The whole world is fighting with this virus and we will surely win this fight one day because we trust our COVID warriors, but there is something that can ease this fight, which can be implemented in the existing system and help these warriors, Data Science.

The word “Data” here suggests, that whatever we have with us nothing but the data, with the help of which Data Scientists can create a system or model which will do a lot many things which are quite difficult on an individual level. I will talk about possible ways in which Data science can help doctors and other health workers to fight this pandemic.

The first and the most important use case can be — ‘Predicting the upcoming number of cases”, it’s been a while we are in this pandemic and we have the numbers, we have the day-by-day data of patients, with the help of which, data scientists can build a model or system which will predict the number of cases which may arise in future, which indeed help the government institutions in preparing themselves for the upcoming situations.

There is an old saying — “Water is too volatile, it will take the shape of the container it is in”, the same way, these type of models can be combined with the existing platforms, for example — “Chat Bot”, recently in some areas people were dying due to lack of oxygen cylinders or hospital beds, it was due to lack of information and accessibility, some people were taking the advantage of this and buying the stock directly from the manufacturer and selling them on a huge price to the needy people. With the help of Data Science, a company called Introbot ( created a bot which they combined with WhatsApp(mobile application) via which individuals could chat and call the available option of resources directly from the manufacturer. They’ve done great work. We all appreciate that.

Since the pandemic begins, people are working from home, even children are learning from home via live classes, just think how difficult it would be for a teacher to take track of each and every single student on a video conference bridge, that’s where data science comes into play, with the help of which a model can be created for detecting the face and/or facial emotions of a student and real-time data can be stored in form of Excel or other formats, which may reduce the efforts of taking attendance and also with facial emotions teacher can understand which student is not getting the concept at any point while teaching.

I have created this type of project by taking 4 emotions into consideration. Click here to visit.

There is one country which is not in possession of a large number of tests, so they’ve decided to do a survey and collect the data of citizens, and with the help of that data and of course data science, they got to know which cluster of people seem to be infected more. In this way, they saved valuable resources from their health service. That’s the beauty and power of data science.

Now as we have tons of data, some researchers, with the help of data science, are trying to build such a model, which may predict the probability of future outbreaks like this COVID-19. Just imagine, if we have that type of system with us, we can be prepared for the upcoming events.

The day is not so far when we will see the machine working and creating new vaccines and other types of drug, of course in the supervision of doctors, but Yes!, that will reduce the human effort and save so much time and money, and this type of work can be done by Neural Engines, Data Science.

