FireUp March 2017 — Meet the Hiring Partners: instabug

Eman from AlMakinah
Published in
3 min readMar 1, 2017

We are proud to have a great success story like instabug on our lineup of hiring partners. Instabug was the second Egyptian company ever to join YC, their app is now running on around 800 million iOS and android devices!

Following our initiative to present our hiring partners for FireUp March 2017 as we mentioned here, we are sharing our interview with them.

It all started with a Shake !

We asked them about how it all started!

We started in 2012 with another idea that developed to the instabug everyone knows today. It was basically an app that connects beta testers to apps that need testing. The idea did not recieve a lot of praise, but what was interesting to most people we talked to was the way we handled the communication between app developers and testers, with our famous “shake” to report a bug gesture. We built on the feedback, and used this comunication gesture to build our very first version of instabug, May 2013. We developed the product a lot since then, with this early protoype just being one of many features in the platform running today.


Our vision is simple, we want to be the leading helping tool for any mobile app developer.

Reach and Clientele

We asked them what instabug really does and who uses it!

Instabug is a technology company providing solutions as in-app conversations and bug reporting for mobile apps. Our SDK is used by over 800 million users worldwide, by top companies on the app store.

View all customers here

The Team (aka #TheBugSquad)

So how big is the team behind this amazing success?

We are currently 28, with 20 techies that include Backend, Frontend, Android, and iOS developers in additon to QA.

Words of wisdom

What is the one peice of advice you want to give our FireUp students?

Never stop learning! Things are changing so fast, make sure you keep up to date with the latest technology and advance yourself.

instabug Website:

Appearing on Forbes and TechCrunch:

Find all the stories about our hiring partners here:

