FireUp March 2017 — Meet the Hiring Partners: robusta

Eman from AlMakinah
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2017


Following our initiative to present our hiring partners for FireUp March 2017 as we mentioned here, we interviewed robusta to tell you more about them.

The story of the beginning:

We asked robusta about when and why they started their company.

robusta March 2012

robusta started to fight mediocrity. Despite the seemingly redundant and ubiquitous designers & developers both as freelancers & businesses, it was quite obvious that there’s a clear market gap for developments that are very robust at the core, very functional for the users and being developed throughout an engagement that makes sound business sense for the product owners.

The Vision and Clients

We asked robusta about their vision and the kind of projects and clients they have.

Right now our goal is to build a legacy, capitalising on the unlimited potential of Egyptian talents and extending our impact beyond borders.We build E-Commerce platforms that sell, Mobile Apps that increase productivity and exposure, Websites that convert and Apps that deliver holistic experiences.We work to empower people that share our belief in the power of evolving digital technologies to drive businesses forward.

We believe in diversity and when it comes to our clients, they’re no different; they cover the whole spectrum from growing start-ups to gigantic enterprises and multinationals as well as governmental sectors.

We also like to explore different sectors from real estate, FMCGs, banking, publishing to health & beauty, automotive, telecom and IT.

The Team:

We asked robusta about their team.

We’re a team of 35 passionate robustians with around 60% of us doing web & mobile development.

The talents they are looking for:

We wanted to know what robusta are looking for in the developers they hire.

In general, we look for team members who always take initiatives and are open to learning and development. We like them to have fresh and diverse minds. They should maintain consistency in their work and performance and are always ready to outreach. Our members should always feel like robusta is their home, be active and radiate and spread positivity.

Advice for FireUp attendants

Finally, we asked them to give words of wisdom to the FireUp attendants.

Our advice is to take FireUp seriously yet not settle for only what they’re presented with in the bootcamp. They should research beyond their curriculum and always ask questions and seek more information because the development technologies and field is always evolving so they should take the opportunity of having mentorship and guidance at hand to use it for their own development and growth.

One thing that always helps fresh developers is networking with development communities whether online or during meet ups. Last but not least is to followup on the learning experience by getting their hands dirty with production code, working amongst a bunch of the best developers around at robusta.

