Home Wi-Fi Network Security — Creating a Secure Wi-Fi password and Network Name

Almond: Wi-Fi Simplified
5 min readOct 7, 2016

There is an interesting article here. The writer says his neighbour allows him to use his Wi-Fi network but the signal is poor, so he would like to know what he can do besides buying a Wi-Fi extender to improve it. It is interesting and unusual because in most cases we don’t want other people using our Wi-Fi network. If someone gets hold of your Wi-Fi password and onto your network, at best they are using your bandwidth, but at the worse, they might be using the information to hack into your Wi-Fi network and steal your data.

You might not have thought much about your Wi-Fi security as your network is password protected, but you could still be at risk:

  • Maybe you lent the password to a neighbour when they came to a party at your house and they continued to use your password afterwards. Perhaps they even gave it to another person to use.
  • A neighbour may have guessed your password and is using your network to carry out illicit activity.
  • You still use the default password from your router manufacturer and this may have been hacked.
  • You changed your Wi-Fi password but you set one that is a little too simple. A password that is too simple leaves you open to not only a neighbour but also a hacker.

Because of this, it is important to be able to understand and check your Wi-Fi security settings; know how to change your Wi-Fi password, and block Wi-Fi devices getting onto your network. In this blog we are going to cover how to set a secure Wi-Fi password, check you are using the latest Wi-Fi security mode and rename your network. In another blog, we will look at how to monitor and block Wi-Fi without needing to change your password, and the importance of guest networks.

Set a strong Wi-Fi password

Change the default admin and network passwords and username. Use a password that is a combination of numbers, letters, upper and lowercase and punctuation marks. Make the password at least 10 characters long.

To set this up you will need to will need to go through the app or management interface provided by your router manufacturer. More often than not you have to go through the management interface, which involves typing an IP address into a browser on a notebook or desktop then entering your default passwords and username. Check in the manual provided or do a web search, but often the default passwords and username are simply, Admin and Root.

Once inside the management or admin panel, you can look for the Wi-Fi password tab to change.

Set a strong admin console password

You probably just managed to log into your management or admin console with a default password that everyone uses. In other words, anyone who can connect to your network can log in and cause havoc in your admin console. That includes even setting a password you don’t know. If you have set a strong password it will be difficult for anyone to get in but don’t take a chance, change the admin password too.

Use the latest Wi-Fi security mode

Make sure that you are using WPA2 as the Wi-Fi security mode for the highest level of encryption. WEP and WPA are older standards that will not protect your network well. If your router doesn’t have WPA2 you might want to get yourself another router.

Wi-Fi Network or SSID Name

Your Wi-Fi network may have the name of your router manufacturer. In order that a hacker doesn’t know your router model change the name of the network. You can also do this through your admin console in your browser.

The Advantages of Almond router and smart hub

Almond router has several Wi-Fi security features that make it easier for you to change your Wi-Fi password and rename your Wi-Fi network.


Almond was the first ever router with a built-in touchscreen and remains one of just a couple routers offering this functionality. It not only enables you to set up without needing to go to a laptop or PC and typing an address into a browser, it also enables you to: change your password, check your security settings, rename your network and hide it, all on the touchscreen. For example, your password can be easily found with a couple of taps on the touchscreen; then a keyboard will pop up for you to edit the password. It is as easy as that. Almond is specifically designed for those who are not technically minded but would like to get more functionality out of their router.

Finding your password

To improve Wi-Fi security, you have just spent a long time to set up very powerful, unique passwords for your network and admin panel. The next problem is making sure you don’t forget them and finding a good place to keep them written down. With Almond, this isn’t a problem as the passwords are on the touchscreen whenever you need them.

About Almond

With Almond router, you have Wi-Fi password control and blocking all in one Wi-Fi security solution. Changing your Wi-Fi password is incredibly simple, but so is blocking suspicious devices from your Wi-Fi network saving you the trouble of informing your real users.

The Almond series of Wi-Fi routers has a number of options, including Almond, Almond+ and the soon to be released mesh whole home Wi-Fi solution Almond 3. You can buy from Amazon, a number of other online and offline outlets, and also Securifi’s website.

Originally posted by Securifi Blog



Almond: Wi-Fi Simplified

Securifi is turning the humble home router into a WiFi, security & smarthome platform. Almond has been leading innovation since 2012. www.securifi.com