Don and Petie Kladstrup
Almost Home
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2020

Major League Baseball’s idea of playing baseball in Phoenix is the wackiest idea since President Trump said he would like to see the U.S. re-open for business by Easter. Whoever came up with the idea ought to be benched.

Commissioner Manfred thinking about things

The plan, which is still being discussed by Commissioner Rob Manfred and others, would see the 30 clubs resume playing there in May, using the fields some teams play on for spring training.

Has MLB given any thought as to how hot it gets there? I’ve played there in October in the Men’s Senior Baseball League World Series and it’s absolutely scorching. I don’t care how young the players are or what kind of shape they’re in. They will WILT, shrivel up like dried apricots.

Me — wilting

Supposedly, they’ll maintain six feet of space between each other in the dugout, unless players choose to sit in the stands (which would be possible since there would be no spectators).

Off the field, players would be isolated, stuck in their hotels where they’d be constantly tested.

On the field, would the players wear gloves? I mean the other kind. What happens when there’s a close play at second and someone tries to tag out a runner? And where’s the umpire in all of this? How close will he be permitted to be to the action?

They’re already talking about installing an electronic strike zone to avoid having have the umpire hanging over the shoulder of the catcher or being too close to the batter. Kill the umpire? This would be killing the umpire!

Federal health officials think the plan is feasible if everyone follows current guidelines. I think the heat’s already affecting them, and it’s not even May.

Chris Sale gets ready for ????

Boston Red Sox pitcher Chris Sale thinks the whole idea will be tough to implement. “I think there’s a lot of figuring out to do,” he said.

You think?!



Don and Petie Kladstrup
Almost Home

American writers living in France, working on forthcoming book, “Almost Home: Playing Baseball in France.” Authors, “Wine & War,” and “Champagne.”