How A Fearless Friend Inspired Me To Love My Music

As a young woman, I often doubt myself when tackling new ventures… before even trying. There’s always someone who’s already done it, right? There’s always someone who’s already succeeded in doing this very thing, so what makes me stand out? What makes me, at the age of 19, qualified?

Ideally, I’d be able to use those insecurities as my motivation to tackle these new ventures. As a challenge for myself to rise above the stranglehold of my own thoughts.

This is the internal dialogue I’ve dealt with in approaching my music endeavors. I’ve only ever placed an emphasis on my career in film, so shifting gears and entering this uncharted territory was intimidating. For those reasons, I’ve been incredibly thankful for a woman in my life who has acted as my mentor and my friend, showing me that my desires can be achieved only through my personal will to go after them. She has given me the confidence to start sharing my art publicly. She herself is unafraid in going after her passions, as long as she believes in them wholeheartedly. She inspires others with her fearless, positive energy and is a true artistic talent — being both a musician and a filmmaker with a strong voice of her own. This ‘Wonder Woman’ aka ‘mentor’ aka, (and most importantly), my friend… has taught me that, unless I stand behind my own convictions and ambitions, no one else will.


Izabela Vidovic | Filmmaker

Almost Normal Productions

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Almost Normal Productions
‘Almost’ Normal, Always Badass

We make films for women to channel their inner badass. The lady trio: Elizabeta, Izabela, and Kathryn