Keep on trying…

Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness
2 min readAug 11, 2008

I enjoy watching Olympics and this inaugural weekend was no exception. It was fun. It is amazing how host country keep setting a new bar every time during these mega opening shows. This one was no cheap and came at a price of $300M.

I like knowing about various other countries, its athletes and their stories. Traditionally, Olympics weekend are littered with life examples of people after people; country after country desperately trying to participate and win. There is no lack of inspiring stories talking about adversity; struggles; losses; and every other odd one can imagine but people still prevail and keep up their determination to succeed.

Someone said it rightly — life is about the struggle not the triumph. In some regard, it is the battle within your mind. If you care about something than keep giving your best try.

So with all the show and pomp and fun — Olympics is a fine example of human struggle and our endurance.

Brick wall are there for a reason. Failure goes along with the success. Even an NBA starred US dream team becomes a redeem team in Beijing. So keep trying on whatever Olympics size quest that you care.

Another observation about Olympics and living in Southern California — it is probably you are surrounded by more Olympian than any other part of the world. Just look at the US team and you will find players from Irvine, Costa Mesa, Riverside, Orange, LA, San Diego,… you name the county/city and there is someone at Beijing representing the country. Infect, my daughter’s badminton coaches are in Beijing representing US. Now where else you will find the opportunity to be coached by someone of that talent.

Go World!!!



Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness

Life-long learner, Technologist, all about Software Products, Green energy, supporter of Entrepreneurs, Racquet sports, Runner, Dad and Husband. @aloktyagi