New chapter

Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness
2 min readOct 18, 2013


I am starting a new chapter in my professional life. I will be joining CA Technologies as Sr. Vice President of Business Unit Executive this coming Monday. Some of you may already know CA Technologies as it has been in the Technology business for some time now. CA specializes in IT solutions that help customers manage and secure their complex IT environments. If you are a big business — financial institution, government or any other sector that has IT department — chances are you are using CA technologies in the IT organization

This is an exciting time for businesses like CA. CA already has a strong foothold in the IT environments that do large-scale business critical transactions across huge set of data. CA Customers have been relying on its proven solutions for decades as they perform millions of mission critical transactions everyday in a secure and reliable way. We know it as we rely on our financial institution to ensure every transaction happen in a secured and reliable way. And these institutions are doing millions of these transactions everyday across a large dataset that is accessible via multitude of devices.

Technology landscape continue to change and we are now witnessing significant business transformation happening in the enterprise world due to technologies like BigData/Social/Cloud/Mobile/etc. All this leading to data centers getting modernized and hybrid infrastructure getting in place. Datacenters are becoming the platform of business growth that foster agile innovation, build renewed customer intimacy expected of the social world while improving on organization collaboration/productivity without loosing on security and reliability. So net-net this is an exciting time to be in the technology business and I am excited to be joining CA to become part of this industry transformation.

I deeply appreciate all of your support and cherish our relationship. THANK YOU for giving me such a good journey.



Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness

Life-long learner, Technologist, all about Software Products, Green energy, supporter of Entrepreneurs, Racquet sports, Runner, Dad and Husband. @aloktyagi