Party with a cause

Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness
1 min readDec 1, 2006

Help the cause of several poor kids in the developing world by donating new kids book or cash at the TiE-Rockies holiday party on Dec 12th at Dazzle. Details of the event is on TiE-Rockies website. TiE-Rockies has partnered with Room To Read during this holiday season to help spread hope and make the world a better place. I mentioned Room To Read in one of my earlier blog here.

PS: Here is the list of the books that Room To Read recommend to help the cause.



Alok Tyagi
Stream of consciousness

Life-long learner, Technologist, all about Software Products, Green energy, supporter of Entrepreneurs, Racquet sports, Runner, Dad and Husband. @aloktyagi