Welcome to the Family, Emerge!

Ryan Freedman
Alpaca VC
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2019


Los Angeles


Sly Lee, Isaac Castro Garcia, Maurcio Teran

Company Description

Emerge is a cross-reality presence company, building a platform that aims to enable more meaningful, engaging and diverse interactions in XR that brings us closer to the people we care about.

The Problem

Today’s technology limits our ability to connect with people to our senses of sight and sound. Applied to the software applications we use every day, even in VR you are limited by your keyboard, mouse and controller.

The Solution

A future where distance and time don’t stand in the way of feeling present. Emerge is starting with a consumer product that enables users from distant locations to physically touch, feel and share immersive content in XR using their bare hands.

Our Take

Emerging technologies have come far enough to change the potential of our digital interactions and bring the sense of touch (and thereby controls) into the physical realm. Early use cases will create a developer community focused on Social XR Games, Learning Applications and Multi-Sensory Meditation & Wellness, but we see a future where the same technology changes the way we control our computer and XR experiences.

We were Seed investors into Emerge and now that they have come out of stealth we are thrilled to be able to publicly welcome them to the family!

