Welcome to the Herd, Pack Digital

Aubrie Pagano
Alpaca VC
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2022


Our latest investment in headless front-end solution, Pack Digital

Elevator Pitch:

The global e-commerce ecosystem has both broadened and deepened, and is now a $5 trillion market. On Shopify alone, there are 1.75 million merchants; innovation has made it so that anyone with an idea and a brand can spin up an e-commerce shop in a matter of minutes. The ease and saturation of e-commerce also means the competition is steep, and every bit of a performant technology stack matters toward brand engagement, click-through, conversion and retention. The “headless” movement — largely a misnomer as it’s really the unbundling of the e-commerce stack — has gained momentum over the last few years as the most performant solution for best-in-breed e-commerce companies.

Here at Alpaca, we believe that headless should not just be relegated to enterprises doing hundreds of millions in transactions. Rather, we believe the unbundling of monolithic web stacks will continue and that the platforms who can capture young but growing brands (brands doing $5–50M GMV) who are already hitting roadblocks on sites like Shopify, Magento, Big Commerce and Woo, will drive tremendous adoption and value in the market.



Aubrie Pagano
Alpaca VC

Thinking about the future of commerce. General Partner @alpacavc, Co-founder @bowanddrape, BK based