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America Has A Massive Leadership Vacuum

But Biden is still the better choice

Tony Yiu
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024


I was watching clips from the presidential debate and the question that kept entering my mind was not who I should vote for. Rather, I kept wondering why are we stuck with these bad candidates?

How did the democratic process screw up so badly that we’re stuck choosing between a racist criminal and a someone’s who’s clearly not all there anymore?

This is probably what happens when extreme views take over and people shift away from the middle and towards the extreme left or right. When the general public starts to buy into extreme views, politicians that cater to those views start to do really well. People like it when those in positions of authority confirm their views.

After a while, politics become crowded with the far-left and far-right — it becomes all about the movement. Those who try to adopt a more measured perspective get shouted down because “they don’t get it” or “they’re traitors to their party.”

During these times, the loudest voices tend to dominate. Facts become secondary — the opinions expressed becomes much more important than the data to back up those opinions. Politicians that yell things that confirm people’s biases become very successful. That’s how we end up with someone like Trump and why the…



Tony Yiu
Alpha Beta Blog

Data scientist. Founder Alpha Beta Blog. Doing my best to explain the complex in plain English. Support my writing: