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Elon Musk Is A Jerk

And a sociopath

Tony Yiu
Published in
4 min readJul 15, 2022


I’m not here to write about his personal life — we all have our skeletons, but it’s become increasingly clear that he just doesn’t give a damn about how his actions impact others, including (or especially) when people lose a lot of money because of him.

It began when Elon started messing with Tesla’s share price via tweets — the most infamous one being where he announced (later he explained it away by saying he was making a weed joke) that funding had been secured to take Tesla private at the then much higher than market price of $420. Coming from Tesla’s CEO, this was obviously taken seriously by investors and Tesla’s stock price surged following the tweet. When people found out that in fact funding was not secured and that Elon was just trolling, the stock went back down. And when that happened, a lot of ordinary people lost a lot of money.

Next came a series of tweets hyping dodgy cryptocurrencies such as this one pumping Dogecoin:

Following the tweet, there was a buying frenzy which made Elon and other early buyers a lot of money (while Elon obviously didn’t cause the bubble in meme coins, he happily threw a lot of fuel on the fire). But if you bought in during the frothier parts of the ensuing surge, you very likely lost a lot of money. Dogecoin is down more than 66% over the past 12 months and down…



Tony Yiu

Data scientist. Founder Alpha Beta Blog. Doing my best to explain the complex in plain English. Support my writing: