The Guide From A-Z On Building In TPT2 | Kosii

Alpha Official
10 min readMay 22, 2021


Theme Park Tycoon 2 is a highly detailed game with endless opportunities (unless your a mad man and hit the build limit) that allows you to create beautiful and elegant structures and scenery. Although, for a starter this can be extremely daunting or hard to master with complicated gyros and 500 settings just to place something. Not to fear though, because in this article I will be going through my entire design progress from start to finish, showing you my proccess aswell as helping you to create better builds.

Step 1 | Planning

The first thing you must remember when building in Theme Park Tycoon 2 is that there are so many things that you can do, which can lead to you becoming flustered and lost for ideas in most cases. In my opinion, planning is the most important step to creating a great build whether its a building, a ride or rollercoaster (which I will not be showing you how to do for… reasons)

Taking Inspiration

Inspiration is one of the most important factors of creating a great building, especially if your a beginner. Its important to remember that although you may be a good builder, you will never be the best and theres always something to take inspiration from in the real world. Some people spend years and years of their life studying how to create buildings, just for us to copy them. Thanks architects you massive losers!

Below, you can see the building I took inspiration from in my series Nuna Kananya on Youtube and how I turned it into the style I wanted using what I call the three steps to success: Reference, Outline, Jott. Try this at home by finding a building you like online and following the steps I use to turn it into a blueprint.

This was the original reference picture I found of Birmingham Zoo’s entrance. Although I recommend you research a building more, we will just use this one photo
I have sketched over the main building of Birmingham Zoo’s entrance with white lines, shading in the main building with a 150 opacity white and a 100 opacity on the windows
I have brought in the simple white outline from before and also jotted down some notes and diagrams about what I want certain things to be / look like

Although in most cases this is a little over the top, when designing a main entrance like you see here, you need to be thorough and plan for everything to ensure you know exactly what your going to be doing at every step. You can see that in the original reference photo, there is a cover in front of the building which I didnt wish to include in my build so I simply traced it out in the “outline” phase of planning.

When designing your building, you dont need to think of every little thing such as what a certain wall will look like or what every square foot of the buildings shape will be as, after all, you aren’t an architect or probably someone who wants to spend hours to make something in the game. You can see on my “Birds eye view” diagram some shapes are not correct to the real building as I took this simple plan and changed it into what you see in game. Its important to remind yourself that nothing is final in the game and you can always experiment with things in game after the fact. For example, originally the window design had two equal square windows at the top which I later changed to have wonky windows as you can see in the diagram.

Adapting Other’s Ideas

This is honestly one of the most effective and easy ways of working out what you want to build in the game. Personally, I often take inspiration from other peoples parks when im showcasing parks or doing streams because after all 2 brains can think of more ideas than 1.

Although, im assuming most people reading this are not Youtubers who showcase peoples parks so what can you do? I recommend the first thing you do is look at other peoples channels. If im ever stuck on anything in game I often visit Onni H’s channel to see what he’s been up to or watch one of Thijmen’s many build hacks videos to get ideas and find different things i’ve never tried before. In actual fact, the idea of building a Zoo came from a stream Onni did where he built an enclosure or two.

Another way of finding inspiration is simply joining some public servers. Realistically, you will probably find many crap builds that either make you lose faith in humanity or make you question why you ever thought you were bad but you may also find some cool gems you never thought of. Ofcourse, you can also just join Youtuber’s private servers and see whats going on there or ask the community what they think could be changed. For example, originally all of Happening Point’s roofs were the same colour until Reezee Peezy gave me the idea to change some roof colours to increase varity!

Just be careful not to just straight up lift a persons idea without changing it because thats called copying, and then your called a child muncher and no one likes a child muncher.

Visiting Real Parks

Now heres one for all you rich people out there — I see you Donald Trump reading my article. For most people, this probably isn’t possible whether its because of the Global Health Crisis or its because of the absolutely outrageous prices some parks expect you to fork up. Although, if you can visit parks this is by far the most effective method for planning a successful structure.

I recommend you visit your local park and just take some photos of what you like whether thats an entire building or just a small detail on that building. Although Google is a wonderful place with billions of photos, it doesnt have everything ever and theres nothing like actually being there to know exactly how something should feel. Just time to get rich now I guess?

Step 2 | Building

Now you have wasted your time meticulously designing your building its time to get in game and change everything. Just kidding but this is going to be a stage where alot of work gets thrown out the window as you experiment with creating your project actually in game. Although it may pain you to do, you must remember that your first draft isnt perfect and never will be so this is your opputunity to change that and make yourself look smart. While building you will probably need to use one of the following:

Building On Blueprint

In many cases, if you have taken the time to correctly plan and prepare your plans to a high standard, you will be using this method far more than the other but dont feel ashamed to go into the other. Although this method is called “Building On Blueprints” it in actual fact is mostly building off of blueprint. Although, where this is different from building off blueprint is the fact you should already have a basic idea planned out. For example, if we go back to Nuna Kananya you can see that in our original plan we had the front main building roughly planned out which was then improved with further detail in game right here:

The original, basic design I came up with for the front main entrance part of the entrance building in the “Jott” stage of planning
An earlier shot of the entrance, without the sorrounding buildings based off of my original idea of the front of the entrance part of the entrance building

As you can see, I took heavy inspiration from my earlier sketch in the “Jotting” stage of planning previously, using the general shape of the building including partly the placing of the windows, doorway and roof at the top while also adding windows on the second floor and increasing the width of the bottom floor windows. This is exactly what I mean when I say “Building on Blueprint”

Building Off Blueprint

Like I said previously, you should’nt need to use this technique as much as building on blueprint, although in alot of cases your original plan will be fairly simple and you wont want to copy them identically. You can once again see this in Nuna Kananya where in my original plan I have the most eastern wall completely flat unlike the wall in the actual game. You can see how ive used “Building Off Blueprint” here by changing the blueprints in-game to what I personally thing looks better and more interesting:

The original plan from a birds eye view of the entire Nuna Kananya entrance building
The final building from a birds eye view of the entire Nuna Kananya enrance building with the most east wall highlighted in white which you can see is different from the original plan

You can see besides that wall alot of the plan is the same with a thew size differences and changes here and their mainly using the “Building on Blueprint” method but on the far right wall I have completely changed it from a flat wall to one with a slight outwards bit at the bottom and a diagonal bit sticking out towards the top. These two photos really do show how you can combine the two methods to create something like your original plan, while also sacrificing some things for quality in game.


Now you’ve built the majority of your building, its time to really get some stupid details in that no one will ever care about but atleast you know its there okay! Really, this could be anything from adding AC units on the top of your build all the way to adding f**king gutters to your building so when it “rains” the “water” can “flow” down the “pipes”. Oh wait no that last one wasnt meant to be in a “ ” because you are actually gonna build those pipes and they are going to look beautiful. No but seriously, it depends on what you want and what will make the building look good in your opinion.

Some people want to focus on Realism like me and some people want to build massive fantasy structures with huge castles that could never really exist but either are completely fine and will make something you yourself are proud of. Now i’m not really the person to be telling you how to build fantasy because as Gandhi once said:

B**ch you cant do that s**t if your small a** cant even think of what yo doin. Now go pop some pills mo fo and give yo girl a real night to remember — Gandhi 2020

Yes, he really said that. But if you are interested in building less realistic builds you can most likely find some tutorials on line or even just some inspiration on how exactly to do that. You probably get the point though that all you need to do is experiment with your ideas and just explore different innovative ideas which will fit your build right.

Final Checks

Before you think you’re finished hold on there cowboy theres still one more thing you should really do before you call it a day. I like to look around my build just one last time and think of if theres anything I should add / remove to improve the build further. I call this “final checks” or as it can feel sometimes “liquid pain” because honestly, in these last checks you will probably decide to remove alot of stuff you’ve spent hours on if you arent truely happy with everything.

It can be helpful to get another person in aswell to see what they think and to see if theres anything they can recommend you do to improve your build. Or, if you hate speaking to people, just post it in any server such as my own and ask for feedback. I’m sure people would be happy to help you improve your build!

Step 3 | Gloat

Thats it! Your done. Theres nothing more to do now on this building and although it may have taken you longer than it takes most people to grow a beard, you can now look at your build with a glimpse of joy in your eyes hoping that you’ve done the right thing. And hey, whats the point in just having it all to yourself? Show people, share pictures around, make a Youtube video on it, Be a d**k to people and tell them how they are worthless compared to you (dont do that last one). Its time to feel the wonders of being big brain!

A photo of Nuna Kananya’s entrance building from the front
A photo of Nuna Kananya’s entrance from the side


Although Theme Park Tycoon 2 is a hard game to truley master, I hope that even with this short 15 minute read you are atleast one step closer to being the next great builder. I honestly hope this has been a fun read, and that despite what my English teacher says, I am not terrible at life. If you have enjoyed this of course I would really appreciate it if you could support me. I’ll leave them below. Accept from that, if you have come from me and not the Alpha Games server, you should check that out because after all, this has been made possible by them and they have many more absolutely insane courses from great creators such as Onni H on this website. Except from that though, I hope you have a lovely day people! Goodbye

Happening Point, a hyper realistic theme park series on my YouTube Channel

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All photos and text used in this guide are either owned by Kosii or fall under the fair use act. Any photos owned by Kosii are protected under copyright law and should not be used without the owners permission.



Alpha Official

Hello You! My names Kosii or Joshua and I create Youtube videos on TPT2 amongst other games on my channel