AI-powered Voice Analyst for Tableau

Abhilash Pattnaik
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2019

What if, when I say Tableau can hear you? Yes, you are reading right. Tableau can hear you and you can talk to Tableau.

Enterprise organizations generate a large amount of speech data from their customer communication channels, including sales teams, service centers and other interactions. Being able to uncover insights in this data through an interactive dashboard can drastically improve how organizations interact with their customer base and improve the overall customer experience.

Tableau users can now use and visualize advanced voice analytics with augmented analytics platform Alphaa AI Inc. This will enable users to more easily uncover data insights and extend the benefits of voice analytics beyond the contact center.

What Alphaa AI does is a niche capability associated with text analytics and sentiment analysis, and it’s not something that mainstream BI and analytics vendors do deeply on their own. The voice analytics software provides users with data such as sentiment, overtalk and silence ratios, as well as custom call categories.

Image result for tableau voice assistant

Alphaa AI makes voice analytics data easily digestible for Tableau users to turn previously unstructured data from calls into actionable insights within their Tableau dashboards, as an open API solution, Alphaa AI voice analytics data is designed to be configurable, flexible and rich with insights that can be leveraged by multiple users within a business.

Users also can employ the Tableau platform to combine data with other key data sources. With Tableau and Alphaa AI, these dashboards will allow users to uncover insights about their organizations’ spoken voice data and improve data-driven decision-making.

Along with using its own deep learning neural network to perform speech-to-text transcription, Alphaa AI runs machine learning and NLP models to surface keywords and topics that are important to the content.

