Top 8 Non-Technical roles in Data

Surbhi Verma
Published in
8 min readNov 24, 2021

Someone without having a medical degree cannot work in the medical field unless he is not committing fraud but a person without an engineering background can end up landing jobs in various fields. One such field is Data Science.

Data science has become one of the most sought-out fields to make a career in. Those from technical backgrounds can easily choose to move ahead with Data Science. But can the same be said for non-technical people too?

Well, coding is indeed required in Data science jobs but not all positions require coding. Therefore, people from non-tech backgrounds can also opt for a career in Data Science.

However, a lot of people are not aware of this. Hence, we bring to you a list of the best non-technical roles in Data. Keep reading to find out.

Non-technical roles in Data science

  1. Business Analyst:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 7L/ Per year

As the name suggests, the main role of a business analyst is to look at how the company operates which includes conducting research, analysing the available data and suggesting better methods to improve the company’s practices and processes.

A business analyst aims at solving the existing problems of the business, thereby helping them achieve the desired goals.

Understand it better with an example,

You invited your friends for dinner at your place and found out that some of them are allergic to certain items that were to be used in the dishes. You come up with a solution and change the menu based on their requirements.

Great! But you are not the one cooking so you make a list of “do not to use” items and hand it over to the cook. But the cook says he cannot prepare the dishes as the required spices are not available.

No big deal, you make a change and upgrade the list as per the spices available. Maybe you removed the dish or maybe you chose another spice. In either case, you noted the change, the reason for it and kept the process going.

You did not prepare the food but without your help, the dinner could have turned into a disaster by unknowingly using the allergic items.

This is exactly what business analysts do. They analyze the business requirements, look for any changes and convey the same to the respective departments to get the exact positive output.

Many websites like Coursera can help you ace the business analysis course.

2. Citizen Data scientist:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 10/L per year

Coined by Gartner, the term “citizen data scientist” is new in the market. Citizen data scientists require data science skills such as statistics but are not as advanced as data scientists.

The roles and responsibilities of a citizen data scientist include digging into new data, improving the existing models and creating models to gain added insights.

This can further be understood with an example,

You are planning to create a product. For that, you would need to collect and analyze the already available pros and cons of that product, gather data from various areas and people to understand how that product could be made better and what are people’s views on the same.

You here are the citizen data scientist, the product is your model and the views are the insights.

Alphaa AI has launched a fellowship program where you can learn all that you need to know about a citizen data scientist.

3. Product/Marketing Analysis:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 9/L per year

Product marketing includes the process of introducing a new product to the market, creating strategies to promote it and developing ways to sell it in the market. An effective product marketing requires a thorough understanding of the product’s demand and the target audience.

A product manager focuses on the ways to get the products adopted by the existing customers and build relevant marketing campaigns that would bring the potential customers.

In the pandemic, the sales of Savlon surpassed that of Dettol. The reason was the continuous launch of new products by Savlon. The company targeted the ongoing scenario to feed in people’s minds how Savlon can be the sanitizer they need to keep themselves safe.

So, what happened here? The product analyst in this case understood the market’s need, planned products as per it, and created new ways for its promotion to boost the sales of Savlon.

Check this course to learn more.

4. Big Data specialist:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 11/L Per year

A big data specialist reviews, analyses and makes reports on big data stored and maintained by an organization. Having a similar role as the data analysts, big data specialists focus more on the analysis of big data or big data analytics.

Big data specialists work on turning large volumes of data into insights that can be further used by organizations to make smarter business decisions.

Big Data Analysis applications are commonly seen in the Healthcare industry. The large volume of data that the hospitals receive is used to prevent medication errors, identify high-risk patients, reduce wait times, etc.

The idea is just to turn the data into useful information that can be used to make further moves.

5. Process Automation specialists:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 8/L Per year

A process specialist’s day-to-day role includes gathering, verifying, processing, and analyzing data from various aspects such as clients and sales. This data is further used to make decisions for the upliftment of the organization.

Taking the example of an eCommerce store, every day the store gets multiple orders to deliver items to different addresses. The first step to begin the delivery process is to gather the correct address of all the customers, make a list of them.

And finally, the store needs to make sure that the respective orders are delivered to the respective addresses, failing which would create chaos and disappointment in customers.

A process specialist does the same thing. He or she is responsible for filtering the correct mailing information of customers, creating an accurate database and making sure each mailing information is used for relevant services or products.

Check this course by Udemy.

6. Data translator:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 4/L Per year

A data translator acts as a bridge between data scientists and the decision-makers of the organization. To fulfil the role of data translator, a person must be specifically skilled at understanding the business needs of the organization and be tech-savvy enough to decode the terms of data scientists.

Besides, a successful data translator must be confident enough to challenge perceptions and people at every level of organizations, have analytical knowledge to understand what the data scientists are saying, and passion to use accessible language for making others understand better.

Let’s see an example:

You have visited Spain but you don’t know how to speak Spanish. The hotel that you are staying in has staff who do not understand any other language. So what would you do to make them understand what you are saying?

You can take help from someone from outside to translate the conversation so that your piece of data is exactly decoded by the hotel staff.

That person is the data translator. His role is to bridge the gap between you and the staff thus making the journey easy for both of you.

Coursera offers a lot of courses that can help you understand these roles better.

7. Conversational UI scriptwriters:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 3.5L/ Per year

This role has witnessed a surge recently. Mostly used for chatbots, many companies are hiring UI scriptwriters to make their chatbots more human-like. From crafting proper messages to developing a more human-like approach, people from non-technical backgrounds can easily ace this role.

The only thing to keep in mind is to have a good understanding of the business so that the chatbot can be easily aligned with the business’s requirements. The best part is that employees are paid hourly for this role.

Suppose, you run a business and you hire people who do not know what your business does, how it should be presented in the market and what can be done to enhance the business’s rankings.

The person thus would fail to communicate the right messages to the client, as a result leaving the clients disappointed. Will that be acceptable to you?

Likewise, conversational UI scriptwriters need to understand your business processes and products to help the customers deliver exact solutions for any queries that they are facing.

This course by Udemy can easily help you understand UI scriptwriting.

8. UX market researchers:

Average Annual salary range: Rs 9/L Per year

The growth of start-up culture has given rise to plenty of roles. One of them is UX market researchers. The UX market researchers are responsible for analyzing the target user’s behaviour and using the same data to help inform the product design process.

Besides delivering data-driven insights, UX market researchers can also be asked to analyse the market sentiment that can be used to create a user-friendly design for the business.

A common example of UX market researchers can be seen in Subway. When you order food there, the executive gives you options to choose ingredients at every step that can be combined to make food exactly like you need.

The idea behind this is to make the customers feel more personalized so that he returns to your venture again and again.

With the advancement in consumer-facing enterprises, there would be a high demand for UX market researchers in the coming future.

Wrapping up

It’s a myth that to become a successful data scientist, you need to have in-depth knowledge about coding. While this is true for a few parts of data science, the other part requires less or no coding at all.

From the above list, you can get an idea about the non-technical roles that exist in data science. We hope our list would help you find the ideal job matching your skill sets and requirements.

Do you have any queries or want us to talk about other relevant fields, tell us in the comments section below?

About Alphaa

Alphaa AI a superAI data Platform for enterprises, that helps businesses to give data access to all users and ask questions on their data. It’s one of a kind natural language data tool built for users at any level and any skill.

Alphaa AI is on a mission to create 1 billion Citizen Data Scientists. Through the Alphaa AI Citizen Data Scientist Fellowship, we educate people about data and aim to create a culture of data literacy, empowering business professionals and students to truly become data-literate

