AlphaEx: Reminder for Suspension of All Token Deposits from February 15, 2021.

February 15, 2021, onwards, AlphaEx shall suspend deposits of all tokens, thereby urging users to withdraw all funds once you swap from XDCE to XDC. Staking accounts remain unaffected by this change.


Following the suspension of swap, trading, deposit, and withdrawal on AlphaEx in December 2020, we have been taking measured and careful steps to rectify the situation. Through this message, would like to remind users about our future plan of action. The following points summarize what is changing at AlphaEx, what remains the same, and what users are requested to do:

  • Deposits for all tokens will be suspended after February 15, 2021.
  • The OTC desk has been temporarily suspended, until further notice.
  • Staking will not be affected.
  • Withdraw all funds from AlphaEx.

AlphaEx requests users to mark their withdrawal before the suspension. We also suggest them to withdraw all assets from AlphaEx, storing the same in safe and secure wallets. As new deposits are no longer supported, the Over The Counter (OTC) trading desk has been suspended temporarily until further notice.

With the XDCe contract termination planned for 31 March 2021, we request the community to swap all their XDCe tokens to XDC by following the guidelines carefully. Read more about the XDCe contract termination here.

Any users who face difficulties, either with swap or withdrawal, can submit a case with all their transaction details. At AlphaEx, user feedback and experience is of utmost importance.

We would also like to inform you that the last date — March 31, 2021 — will not affect users staking their funds with AlphaEx. However, AlphaEx will not accept any new staking requests. We are working tirelessly to address each and every difficulty faced by the AlphaEx and XinFin community members, and as always, are grateful for your continued support and encouragement.

Swapping XDCe Tokens to XDC

We request all users who bought XDCE after December 6, 2020, 0530 GMT, to swap their XDCe tokens to XDC at Ratio Swap.

You will need to provide all your transaction details, such as:

  • The transaction hash generated at the time of purchasing XDCe.
  • The time of purchase (as per your local time).
  • Amount of XDCe bought.
  • The price of XDCe in USD, as at the time of purchase (approx.).

The compliance team will check your transaction details and approve your transactions. The approved applications will automatically receive XDC in their AlphaEx wallet.

Note: Users must have sufficient XDCe in their AlphaEx wallet to apply for the ratio swap and maintain the same balance, otherwise the application runs the risk of being rejected. Please make sure to fill in the correct transaction details to minimize the chances of rejection. The AlphaEx compliance team reserves the right to cancel the withdrawals for any suspicious user activity. No swap support will be given to users who bought XDCe after 28 December 2020.

Finally, the XinFin ecosystem depends on users like you who give us the motivation to enhance our technology and streamline it to meet your expectations. As we execute these plans of action, we look forward to continuing working with you on making AlphaEx an even better trade platform.

Team AlphaEx

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