Product Update

Q1 2024

AlphaGeo Insights
2 min readMar 19, 2024


AlphaGeo is thrilled to announce new features and enhancements that will elevate your product experience. Our development team has been working tirelessly to add new features and functionality to the application software, improve its performance, and address any issues raised over the last year. Some of the key updates include:

Single-asset Reports

Users can now download “Single Asset Reports” directly from the app that give a detailed breakdown of a location’s physical climate risk exposure and a profile of its ability to absorb various “shocks” related to climate and other disruptions.

Click to download a sample report!

Data Improvements

We’re global! You can now analyze physical climate risk data for any location in the world based on models that incorporate the latest industry standard Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs) of the Coupled Model Inter-comparison Project 6 (CMIP6).

New Logos

Check out our latest customer success story with SeaBridge Sustainability, a leading ESG consultant for physical and transition risk!

Read more

Find us on Snowflake!

Global Climate Risk Indicators assist users in gauging the physical impact of climate risk on any location globally — by country, state/province and city. Each of the (6) indicators (Heat Stress, Wildfire, Coastal Flooding, Inland Flooding, Hurricane Wind, Drought) are made up of features, i.e., ~50 underlying datasets that inform the value of each individual physical risk score. If you are on Snowflake, you can now trial our data for free.

Check out our listing

Coming soon…

- Location Explorer -

Available to trial at the end of March

This addition to our product suite allows users to search coordinates around the world for on-demand intelligence such as:

  • climate risk indicators under multiple climate scenarios to 2050,
  • curated features and indicators most relevant to selected locations,
  • datasets visualizable as time-series or national rankings

- Alpha Finder -

Available to trial in Q2 2024

Layer dozens of key market datasets and alternative data — ranging from best-performing cities to air quality to credit ratings and immigration patterns — on top of our proprietary risk and resilience features to provide high-conviction site selection for investors.

- Insurance, Utilities and Maintenance Cost Outlook -

Available via Portfolio Analytics Q2 2024

We’re adding a new feature to our Portfolio Analytics application! Our underlying machine learning model and climate risk scoring framework generates a forecast on the likelihood that key operational costs such as insurance, utilities and maintenance will rise in the near future, giving asset managers better foresight into cash flows and calculations of exit valuations.

